Chapter 7

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The werewolf is leaning back on its hindquarters, backed into the corner of the dungeon, lips pulled back over its teeth in a vicious snarl. A deep growl emanates from the back of its throat, a gravelly sound that chills the blood of the four teenagers standing in a cautious circle surrounding it. Its glowing eyes make their way round the room, eyeing each individual one by one as if trying to predict how each would taste chopped up and boiled in a casserole dish.

Remus Lupin and full moons do not mix well.

Sirius breathes in anxiously, trying not to make any sudden movements, lest he aggravate the beast. He looks into the wolf's gleaming eyes and the wolf looks straight back at him, and he holds the gaze for a what feels like hours, trying to find any sign of his boyfriend's eyes underneath the menacing yellow. Pushing the loud battle of swearing and panic raging inside his head aside, he contemplates his options. He glances sideways at Lily, Marlene and James who are all frozen statues of fear, all three of them hardly breathing. Then, like the idiot he is, he reaches his hand out and slowly inches his way forwards.

He hears Lily's sharp intake of breath and can practically feel James's eyes fill with panic, but its too late to back down. The werewolf's snarl grows slightly louder, but he makes no move to attack. Sirius continues to inch forward until he is finally close enough to place his hand on the wolf's head. Holding his breath, he strokes gently, praying to every god imaginable that it doesn't attack. Suddenly something clicks in Sirius's mind. Something so obvious that he mentally slaps himself for not thinking of it before.


He slowly lifts his hand off Remus's head and takes a couple of steps back. The wolf tenses but stays still.

"Move away," Sirius says as loudly as he dares. James, Lily and Marlene understand instantly, as they wearily back against the wall. Sirius closes his eyes, and transforms.

Padfoot approaches the werewolf in the corner with confidence and ease. He nudges it with his front paw, and it looks into his eyes curiously, but all traces of danger and 'Hey, you look like a yummy snack' are gone. The two animals move away from the corner and into the centre of the room. They circle each other, not breaking their intense gaze. Back against the wall, Lily grips James and Marlene's hands tightly. The viciousness in the wolf's eyes has dulled to a docile shine, and the snarl reduced almost to silence. Almost friendly.  

Then, the werewolf pounces.


Remus wakes on the hard floor and has to stop himself from crying out in pain. He can feel scratches all up his back and his head feels like it's on fire. The inside of his mouth is covered in the coppery taste of blood, and his hands are covered in the stuff. He tries to sit up, but one by one it feels as if his ribs are cracking.

But it's nothing compared to seeing Sirius.

The black haired boy is sprawled across the floor with his head in Lily's lap, James tying pieces of ripped up clothing tightly round his middle. He's barely conscious, and there's blood everywhere. This time Remus doesn't try and stop the strangled cry that escapes from between his lips. The sound rips through his throat, croaky and raw, painful and anguished.

Three heads turn towards him and they all breathe a sigh of relief. James hands the strips of fabric to Marlene before standing up and heading towards Remus. He sits down next to him and goes to help Remus sit up, but the scarred boy jerks violently away from his grasp. Ignoring the agony shooting through his shoulder, Remus shuffles away from his friend.

"Don't touch me," he sobs. "Don't come anywhere near me." He backs away until his back is against the wall, and even when he reaches there he tries to move away further. The movement dizzies him and seems to dull everything, leaving the throbbing pain in his head the only thing in clarity. Fear and panic flood James's face and he lowers his hand to his side.

"Remus? I-" James stumbles, unsure of what to say. "At least let me look at your scratches. You might be badly injured." He slides cautiously over to Remus, who this time is too spaced out move away. James slides a barely responsive Remus's t-shirt over his head, wincing when he sees the blood. He hears James swear softly before calling out to Marlene and Lily. Remus is vaguely aware of them chucking over the t-shirt-bandages and James trying to stop the bleeding.

"I'm a monster, James," he mumbles half consciously. James looks up from his bandaging job with a frown.

"You're not a monster, Remus."

"I am. Look what I did to Sirius," he argues with as much force as his headache will allow. James's hands come to a stop and he looks angrily into his friend's eyes.

"You are not a monster. You are a guy, a very good guy, that has an uncontrollable, hungry wolf alter ego. You are not in anyway in control of yourself like that, and you would never lay a finger on anyone, especially not Sirius. So stop saying that about yourself. You iron your pyjamas, for god's sake. What kind of monster irons their pyjamas?"

Remus tries to listen to James's words, but all he can focus on is the pounding in his head and the boy he loves, covered in blood.











MALFOYXLESTER HAS RETURNED FROM THE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!!2!!!!11!!!!!!1!!

Yeah sorry for not updating for 5 weeks. I'd like to say that I have good excuse, that I've been overseas doing charity work or saving the world from the apocalypse, but  to be honest I'm just lazy. And now you're getting this update a day early. Isn't that funny.

Anyway, I hope you like this. Please vote and stuff because I'm desperate. Ily


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