Chapter 5

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They come in the night.
The silent criminals artists in their trade, every wave of a wand muting a cry for help. Five teenagers snatched from their bed, their unheard screams of horror the only evidence they've been stolen.
Marlene wakes up to cold, hard concrete digging in to her back, a long way from the soft mattress of the spare bedroom at Potter Manor. Ignoring the taste of blood in her mouth and the distinct shooting pain down her right leg, she forces her eyes open and tries to discern the situation. Four solid, brick walls dripping with dirty water and other fluids she'd rather not think about surround her. From the concrete ceiling hangs one broken, flickering gas lamp, barely illuminating the dank space. It is then that she notices her friends asleep, in various states of injury, scattered on the floor around her. She walks over to where Lily lies on the floor and bends down beside her.
"Wake up princess," she whispers, shaking her shoulder gently. "We're not in Kansas anymore."

Lily wakes up with a start, shooting bolt upright.
"Where are we?" She says, fighting the wave of nausea that overcomes her when she tries to stand. "What are we doing here? Are you ok? Where's James?" Marlene places her arm around Lily's waist, easing her into a sitting position.
"Easy there Lils, you're obviously injured. James and the others are here, I just need to wake the sleeping beauties up." Lily looks worried but leaves Marlene to wake the others.
As soon as he wakes up, James rushes to Lily's side and starts fussing over her, holding her hand and checking she's ok. She notices the blood trickling down the side of his face and the nasty purple bruise under his left eye, and the wave of nausea returns.
Sirius limps across the dimly lit room and grips Remus tightly, burying his face into the taller boy's shoulder.
"Not losing you again," he says thickly.

The five of them gather themselves into a circle, Lily propped up against the wall to support her possibly broken leg. They assess each other's injuries, each of them grimacing and wincing more at each drop of blood or broken bone. James is the first to turn his attention to the real problem at hand.
"Where are we?" He says. "Who would want us here? And why did they need to be so violent ?" He adds with a gesture at his swelling face.
Remus stands up, cradling his wrist, and begins to walk around the room, examining the walls. In one corner he finds a heavy metal door with a small peep hole and about 50 padlocks down the side. He tries the handle, but as expected, it's locked.
"The Malfoy's," he says suddenly, causing everyone to look him strangely. "Well, that's what I would assume," he adds hastily. James raises an eyebrow.
"How did you come to that conclusion?" He asks.
"Well," explains Remus, "this door here has the Slytherin family crest on it. And in every prefect meeting at school I heard Lucius Malfoy going on about his family dungeon and his girlfriend's sister's habit of torturing muggle borns down here." He looks uneasily at Lily. "I guess this could be the place he was referring to."
"Not bad Lupin," says Marlene, "but what would a Death Eater family want with a bunch of underage wizards? We're not exactly valuable sources of power or information." Remus shrugs.
"My guess? We're a trap. A group of students about to be killed, who's gonna inevitably swoop in and save us at the last minute?"
It's Lily who speaks up this time. "Dumbledore," she says quietly. "They want to use us to lure Dumbledore in so they can spring a trap and kill him." They all ponder this for a moment, before James walks over to join Remus by the door.
"How do we escape? I mean this door is absolu-Padfoot, are you ok?" He notices the black haired boy being uncharacteristically quiet, sitting cross legged on the outside of where the circle was, face pale and distinctly panicked.
"Remus," he almost whispers. "Do you what time of month it is?" The entire group pale to match Sirius, the horror of the situation now exemplified by a tenfold. A werewolf. That's all they need right now.

"So," says James slowly, trying to comprehend the level of trouble they've been thrown into. "We're stuck in some cold, wet dungeon as live bait, possibly awaiting torture and/or murder with a confined, homicidal wolf?" They all grimace in shock and fear.
"Look on the bright side?" Suggests Marlene weakly.
I totally did not stay up until 11 on a school night writing this shut up no you're wrong stop being wrong.

And you better appreciate this ellarogers02 , you were the one that pushed me to update on the correct day. I also haven't edited this because effort ew.
Anyway, enough of my waffling. Have a great week/end!

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