Chapter 3

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"Ok losers, we've got two weeks to do whatever kind of shit we want, where do we start?" Sirius looks at his friends gathered round the breakfast table, eyebrows raised expectantly.
"Well," says Lily, attempting to swallow a mouthful of bacon. "I don't really know what you guys get up in the holidays usually, and I'm not entirely sure if I want to know. But, I have a pretty good knowledge of the muggle world, so I'm sure we could find something interesting to do with that." Sirius looks at her, a look of deep consideration on his face.
"Something muggle," he toys with the idea. "My parents would hate that. Lily, I love it." He grins widely and stands up. "Lily, call Marlene and invite her if you want. I've had a brilliant idea." And with that he leaves the room.
"What was that about?" Asks Lily, not particularly surprised by Sirius's antics but confused all the same. Remus doesn't even look from his food as he answers.
"You kind of get used to it."
Of all of Sirius's brilliant ideas, James has to admit, this one is pretty cool.
The wind tugs playfully at their clothes, as if pulling them towards the edge. The sun falls across the city, illuminating the windows of the city skyscrapers with a dazzling sparkle. James carefully inches towards the edge of the roof. Skyscraper is one word alright. He feels as if he's touching the sky. Suddenly a wave of vertigo hits him, and he stumbles back in shock.
"Not scared of heights, are you Potter?" Marlene strolls up to the edge of the building, cool and casual as ever, hands buried deep in her pockets,
"No," breathes James. He gives himself a moment to catch a breath, then says more loudly, "No, of course not." Marlene raises her eyebrows with a kind of amused scepticism. Before she can reply, Lily walks over and grabs James's hand, then looks at Marlene.
"You're not harassing my boyfriend are you?" She says. Marlene frowns thoughtfully.
"Depends what you clarify as harassment."
"She's definitely harassing me," pipes up James. Lily shakes her head jokingly at Marlene, but Marlene is looking over at the opposite corner of the building with a smirk.
"Hey guys, look who's having a moment," she says, nodding her head in that direction. James and Lily turn to see Remus and Sirius sat with their feet dangling over the edge of the building, Remus's arm around Sirius and Sirius's head on the taller boys shoulder.
"I swear, Sirius thinks he's so punk rock, then the minute he catches sight of Moony, he just melts. You got the camera?" Asks James, but Marlene is already onto it. Holding the small machine up to her eye, she captures the adorably beautiful moment.
Remus surveys the breath taking scene around him.
"Top of a skyscraper. Pretty cool, huh?" Sirius nudges Remus with his elbow. Remus sighs contentedly and turns to face him. "And, we haven't used any kind of magic all day. We're acting like muggles." He whispers the last word excitedly.
"Yeah, pretty cool. How did you find out about this place?" Remus asks. Sirius smiles knowingly.
"I have my ways." He places intertwines their fingers and places a kiss on Remus's hand. "Can you believe that a couple of months ago we were practically vomiting at the sight of each other?" Remus grimaces at the memory.
"I wouldn't quite say vomiting. But yeah, you wouldn't believe it now." He looks down at Sirius with a frown. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask. You said in your letter that you arrived at James's house two weeks early. Is everything alright at home?"
Sirius laughs humourlessly. "No, of course everything is not alright at home. But if you mean more than usual..." he shakes his head and looks down at his lap. "I ran away." Remus opens his mouth to speak, not really trusting the words coming out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry," he says. "I-wow. That explains your eagerness to displease your parents. Um. Wow. Sorry. I shouldn't have asked you like that. Jeez." He runs a hand through his curly mop of hair. Sirius squeezes his hand.
"It's alright Moony. You would have found out anyway. Besides, I can't keep secrets from my boyfriend." A small smile tugs at his lips. "I like that word. Boyfriend."
Remus raises an eyebrow. "You're changing the subject."
"I think I'm entitled to, as I don't particularly love this one."
"Fair enough," says Remus with a shrug, and the two enjoy a comfortable silence for a moment, Sirius's head coming to lean on Remus's shoulder. Then he looks up, brows furrowed. 
"Moony, I'm curious. How many of those grandpa sweaters do you actually own?"
Remus laughs. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
I would like to point out the fact that I stayed up until 12am writing this chapter. I need to get a life.
But ye I hope you appreciate the fluff because I most certainly enjoyed writing it.
Hope everyone had a nice day

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