I was aching in pain, the nurse tried everything to calm me. He stood by my side holding my hand tightly. The doctor kept telling me to push, I took deep breath after every push.
"Your almost there, I see the head" the doctor says
I keep pushing 3 or 4 times more until finally I hear the crying fill my ears, my eyes begin to tear in happiness. He was here, after so long.
"Congratulations on your baby boy" the doctor says, she hands me my son and he was just so precious
"His beautiful, your beautiful" My boyfriend says kissing my forehead and kisses our sons forehead
"What would his name be?" The doctor asks
"Sebastian Mathias Reed" I say
"He weights 9 lbs 10 oz 23 inches long" she says, I smile at our big boy
They soon move me to our room where they show me how to breastfeed, burp him, and change his diaper. He soon falls asleep and I watch him in happiness, I lay there in bed closing my eyes.
3: 45 a.m
"When were you planning on telling me!" I hear a loud whisper, I furrow my eyebrows and open my eyes slightly
I see the doctor who had delivered my baby boy and my boyfriend the father of our son, they were talking. About?
"Me and her were over, I had to stick around" he says "Shes the mother of my son"
"Why couldn't you be separate and still be at her side?"
"Me and her know that we lost love when we were 18, that night we were saying goodbye and things led somewhere else and when she found out she was pregnant we though we could work things out"
I really did think we could've, I guess he didn't try since he was with other women. I'm just 18 with a newborn, I fall back to sleep ignoring them. As long as his happy I'm happy, I always want the best for others.
8: 05 a.m
My eyes flutter open, I look at my baby wide awake. The nurse was holding him. She smiles at me and I smile back, I look towards the couch and see the sheets were folded.
"He went to get breakfast" the nurse tells me, I nod
"It's going to be his first bath today" she tells me, I smile and nod
"Can I shower first?" I ask, she nods
I get up from the bed and walk to the restroom, I shower and change into some jeans, white V-neck, and brown sandals. I leave the towel in my hair to let it dry a bit. I walk out and see the nurse was filling up the sink with warm water, and a white towel on the counter.
"Ready?" She ask
"Yes" I say
I grab Sebastian and carry him to the sink, I lay him on the counter and take his diaper off. The nurse takes me step by step until finally I put a clean diaper on him and put his first outfit. I put his beanie on and socks, I take my towel off and brush my hair. The door opens and I see my parents walk in with flowers and a teddy bear.
"Awe his just the cutest thing ever" my mother says grabbing him
"Congratulations sweetie" my father says kissing me on the forehead, the door opens and I see my boyfriends parents walk in with flowers and balloons
"I have a beautiful grandbaby" my boyfriends mother says, they both hug me
"Hey, you guys are up" my boyfriend says walking in
The doctor walks in behind him, they both give themselves a look. The doctor turns towards us and smiles at me, I smile back.
"You just need to sign some papers and can go home and be with your baby" she says, I nod
They get a wheelchair and I get in, my boyfriend outs our baby in the car seat and covers him. We make our way out, he signs some papers and we walk out, we put him in his Honda. I sit in the back with the baby and we start heading home.
"Its best if you just drop me off at my sisters house, I heard you and the doctor talking last night" I say " I agree that we lost love a long time ago, don't worry you'll still be part of his life, once he grows up he'll spend weekends with you"
"I didn't want you to find out that way"
"Its okay, just take care" I say

One Last Time
RomanceLauren loved her high school days, she had a baby with her high school sweet heart until they stopped having feeling for each other, they went their separate ways and she took their son with her. After years, Lauren is dating someone new, what happ...