Chapter Nine

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My eyes flutter open, I groan when I feel my body was sore. I look to the side of me and find Glenn fully asleep, I get up putting the robe around my body and going in to the restroom.

I turn the hot water on, I get in and shower, a few minutes later Glenn walks in grabbing me from behind. We have sweet wet sex in the bathroom, after the shower I dry my body and put a robe on and my slippers and walk downstairs.

I get the pancake batter mix and mix the ingredients to make waffles, I make french toast, cut some fruit, and put bagels with cream cheese on the table, eggs, turkey bacon, hash browns, and an omelet with spinach, grape tomatoes, peppers, and salt and pepper.

Glenn grabs me from behind and sits me on the counter, I kiss him and he kisses me back. We pull apart and stare into each others eyes, he just had the towel around his waist. He kisses me again and his hand goes up my things to my chest and he plays with my breast.

"Oh my god! Get a room!" I hear Miranda yell, we pull apart and I hide behind Glenn

"What's going on?" Our parents say walking in behind

"Sebastian go to your room, I'll be there in a second" Miranda says

"Why are you both naked!?" My father asks

"We're you guys having sex?" Daniel asks

"You guys need to be together? Not separated to be together!" My mother says

"Unless we don't know something" Emma says, I fake a laugh

"We're just friends, he stayed the night since he helped me get work done and he just go out the guest bathroom and we were making breakfast" I say

"That doesn't explain why he had you on the counter, with both your lips together and his hand on your right breast" Miranda says "my poor innocent eyes"

"Shut up" Glenn says

"My eyes need holy water to unsee what I just walked in on" she says

"Why are you having sex if you guys are not together?" They all ask

"Fine were together but we wanted to keep it a secret" I finally crack, Glenn puts his arm around my shoulder and nods

"Oh finally! God has listened to my prayers after all" my mother says, Glenn and I give each other a strange look

"Go put some clothes on, we'll take care of breakfast and were happy you guys are finally a family again" Emma says

We walk up the stairs and I put on some undergarments and rub lotion over my body. I put on a beige knee length dress, and some nude heels. I blow dry my hair and straighten it to a sleek back low ponytail. I put on make up naturally with a red lipstick.

I walk downstairs and see breakfast was set on the table, I sit next to Sebastian and Glenn sits next to me. The family sits around and we all begin to eat, Glenn and I look at each other.

"Sebastian you know how dad and I have been apart for a lot of years" I say, he nods

"Well were back together and we wanted to know what you think"

"Mom dad I already knew since yesterday, I was under the table when you told aunt Miranda" he says

"You knew!" My mother and Emma both scold at Miranda

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I was happy that I get have both my parents together again like you guys once were how grandma and grandpa describe it" he says, I smile and kiss him on the forehead

We continue having breakfast, once done we put the plates in the dishwasher. Miranda grabs the disinfectant wipes and cleans the counter, I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to be spending a lot of time here so I need to disinfect everything" she says, I laugh

Once done we all head out and head towards the shopping center where we walk around and shop in shops like Chanel, Mk, Armami, Dolce & Gabbana, and other stores. We walk in to a shop where they sold antiques, we look around and I immediately find inspiration on my next project for the basement.

We soon head out to lunch at a cafe, we order food and eat. Soon our parents head out since they had to do some things, it was Miranda, Sebastian, Glenn, and I. We headed home where we watched movies, I grab my laptop and get work done. I look at emails and find Miranda letter for the internship.

As I read it I see she put a lot of though and hard work into the letter, she was a very smart girl and very educated. I type my response letter and send it to her, her phone makes the notification sound and she looks with wide eyes.

"Yale just replied to my letter! Along with Lauren" she says, she opens the college one and reads it

"Dear Miranda Jeane Reed Thank you for sending an outstanding letter to us, it was very nice to hear the enthusiasm that you have for our college. We are proud to announce to you that you have been accepted to Yale University, hope to see you soon.." she says, she gets on the couch and screams

"I got in to Yale!"

"I'm proud of you little sis" Glenn says, I smile

"Thank you Lauren for the internship, it'll look so good" she says "I got to go and tell mom and dad and celebrate"

She kisses Sebastian goodbye and runs out the door, Glenn turns towards me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you for making her happy" he says

"For what? The internship?" I say

"For recommending her to the college since you are a very important alumni to the college, and plus your uncle is the Dean" He says, I laugh

"I could tell it was important to her and I know she is going to make us proud as a sister and sister in law" I say

He chuckles and nods, we sit on the couch and continue watching the movie.

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