Prologue prt 2

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Draco's POV

Six years ago
'Sometimes my parents expect to much. I mean I can't force the sorting hat to put me in Slytherin.' I thought to myself as I was waiting to be called. Maybe I should pay attention to the names so dad can tell me who to associate with. It's so stupid that I can't be friends with anyone. Why does it matter if they are mudbloods or purebloods or even half of each. Not fair dad.

"Hermione Granger"

I watch her walk up to the sorting hat. From behind she looks really pretty, but there is so much puff to her hair it looks like a lions mane. She turned around and I saw her face. She look so angelic and innocent. How can one have so much brown curly hair and still look beautiful? Well she can. What's taking him so long?


Never mind, that was kind of fast. Why is she in Gryffindor? Her face looks like she should be in Hufflepuff or maybe even Ravenclaw. Not Gryffindor. Looks can be deceiving after all. Looks like we really can't be friends after all. Day ruined. Why can't for one moment something I want happen? Some everything happens to me the way dad wants it to be. How? How does that happen?

"Draco Malfoy"

Oh no, my turn. Well I already know I'll be in Slytherin. No doubt about that. Well maybe I won't. Oh I hope not.


See? Slytherin, why did I even doubt? The Slytherin table went berserk. Just like every other table when they get someone new. Well okay, Slytherin went a little more crazy. Which I don't know why. *Mental face palm* duh, it's because my family is one of the few purest purebloods out there. And of course Slytherin wants only the best purebloods they can get. I can be so stupid sometimes. I swear.

"Harry Potter"

Harry Potter? Harry Potter is alive?? Just like me, every one goes silent. I'm pretty sure they are all thinking the same thing, Harry Potter is alive, alive! Well, we all knew he lived, but we never actually have it a second thought. I wonder if he will be in Sly-


Well that answered my question. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the famous Harry Potter, but just knowing that he is in the same house is kind of cool. Again, anything I want won't come true. As he was sitting down I decided to look over at him. He is going to sit next to that Granger chick? No, not cool. That should be me. Not him.

"Ronald Weasley"

Weasly? The blood traitor family? We have enough of them, why is there more? Man, how many kids did they have?

"Are you done staring over at the Gryffindor table yet?" Someone asked.

Huh? Oh, I guess I've been starring longer then I thought. I shook my head then said

"What? Oh, yea. Sorry. What's your name?"

"The name is Blaise. And that is Crabbe, and Goyle." He said point at the two weird looking guys.

"Nice to met you," I said, "I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy."

"No way! Your Draco Malfoy?!" Crabbe asked

"No of course not, I'm Ron Weasly. No duh, I'm Draco! Isn't that what I said?" I replied with sarcasm.

"Right, I knew that. I just um.. Wanted to make sure you weren't lying. Cuz that wouldn't be funny," Crabbe said.

"Um so ya I'm really Draco Malfoy."

This is really awkward. Head Master Dumbledore stood up and walked to the podium. What a life saver.

"I just want to say welcome to the first years and that I hope that this year will be filled with fun, with learning and with bonding. Oh and please cut the pranks to the minimum this year, Filch is getting tired of cleaning up the mess. I won't hold you from your dinner any longer, enjoy and have a wonderful night." I can't stop planking! I know I haven't done any yet, but it's just something I have to do! Who cares I'm pranking

After all of us finished clapping dinner appears on the table. It smells delicious. Crabbe and Goyal pile food on top of food. It's disgusting. I put a slice of roast beef, a roll and pour myself some Pumpkin Juice. Pumpkin juice is my favorite drink. It just tastes so good. It tastes even better than a fresh out of the oven cookie.

"Hey Draco, do you remember that girls who's name is Granger?" Blaise asked.

"Yea, I do. Why?"

"Well she is a mud blood. How can a rotten mud blood be in Gryffindor?" She's a mudblood?!

"She's a mudblood!?!" I yelled. But not loud enough for the Gryffindor table to hear.

"Yea, crazy right? What was the sorting hat thinking?"

What the hell?! She couldn't be. Well I guess that kind if explains her innocent looking face. Damn it!! Already my heart turning cold again Granger. What is wrong with me??

Soon after that it was time to go to our dorms. All first years went up together, as we stopped at the Gryffindor picture Granger, Potter, and that weasel were in the front with me. Be fore they left I decided to have a little fun.

"A Weasly I see? The red hair, and the hand-me-down clothes say it all. You and your family are a disgrace to the purebloods." I said. I could see the weasel turning red. I smirked.

Why would Harry want to stay friend with him? I'll offer him my friendship.

"And the famous Harry Potter. Either pick to stay friends with this low life, or become friends with me. I'm a much better person to have fun with."

No lies there. We can prank the weasel. That will definitely be fun. He is taking to long to answer geez.

"So what is it? That thing, or me?"

"I think I already know who my true friends are" Harry answered back

"That was a wrong mistake Potter. A very wrong mistake indeed. I hope your year goes well Potter. See you around weasel," I said.

I can't believe he picked me over that retched weasel! Gah! Just for that I am going to make this year a hellhole for him and his friends. Oh man, this will be fun.

"That was bloody brilliant Draco!" Blaise said.

It was?

"I would have been to scared to go right up to him and ask him if he would rather be my friend then that weasel. Maybe you should have been sorted into Gryffindor. Hahaha," he told me with a chuckle.

"Don't. Ever. Joke. About. That. Again." I growled at him.

"Okay, okay, shesh. Calm down dude, please don't be that scary again," Blaise replied nervously.

"I won't if you stop saying insulting word." I said

I hope Potter and the weasel has a horrible year this year. I hope that Granger has a good though. Wait, no I don't. She is a filthy mudblood. She doesn't deserve a good year.

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