03 Pay Attention

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Draco's POV

Well damn, I must have screwed up something. It's been a week! A week! And she hasn't said a word to me. She has only looked at me twice. Trust me I know that for sure. And no I'm not staking her. I don't know if I can stand this anymore. I've waited for so long. I need to confront her. I'll do it after class.

"Mr. Malfoy, will you please answer my question?" Mr. Slughorn asks while ripping me of my thoughts.

"Um..er..can you please repeat the question?" I say

"How many rose pedals do you need to put in Amortitia?" He asks. Shit. The one question I don't know.

"I don't remember sir," I reply

"6 pedals sir," Who was that? I look around but didn't see who spoke

"Thank you Miss Granger," Slughorn said. Ahh, it was Granger. Why didn't I recognize her voice. I told myself that I need to remember everything about her. Wait no I don't, we are just friends. Nothing more nothing less. Who cares if I know her voice or not.

Class is taking forever. I just want to talk to her before I chicken out. I know it's not like me to chicken out, but something about her just makes me nervous.

"Class dismissed"

Finally! I try getting out before Granger, but that didn't happen.

"Malfoy," Hermione said. Oh no.

"Yea?" I ask. I better not be in trouble with her. I don't think I did anything wrong. Did I? No, no I haven't.

"I wanted to tell you that in order to be a true friend of mine, I'll need to trust you. I know you already apologized to me about the things you said in the past. But what if you are just lying to me then? How could I trust you after all that happened in our past? Yes we can talk more together, but before you try to become even better friends let me learn to trust you. What I told you is true. One hundred percent true. I think before we can be good friends we need trust. You may not believe what I told you. Which is fine, but i feel like in order to trust each other more we need to put the past behind us. Does that sound alright?" She says.

'She's right you know. You have been so rude and unkind and cruel to her. You have to have her gain your trust before you can be anything with her. Even friends. And that's all we want right? Just friends? Maybe a little more than friends?' What?! No! I could never date a mudblood!! I thought to myself

"How do I gain your trust then?" I ask. Why am I even trying to be friends?! Ugh I'm confusing myself.

"I'm not sure Draco," Hermione said.


"Did you..did...did you just....just call me by my first name??" I stuttered. She took me by full surprised.

"Well if we are to gain trust why not start with our first names?" She says

"Erm..seems only fair, right Hermione?" This is going to be hard. Old habits die hard they say.

"Right Draco," She answers. Well now we are on base one. First name.

"I have to go before I'm late, by Draco!" She half yells as she is walking away. What have I gotten myself into?

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