19 Epilogue Part 1

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5 Years Later

Hermione's POV


"Babe! It's time! She's coming! Honey get the bag and let's get to a hospital!" I yelled. My water broke and my husband is no where to be found. Our first child's birth was hard enough with a wimpy Draco. That's a story for another day.

"Baby I'm here! I'm here! I had to pick up Scorps from a friends house. I heard you yelling, what's up?" Draco commented as he walked in the room. I was so furious with him, I screamed at him.

"WHERE WERE YOU? IM JUST SITTING HERE IN MY OWN POOL OF WATER BECAUSE THE BABY WONT WAIT FOR HER FATHER, YET THE FATHER ISN'T HERE FOR HER!" I took a deep breath in and continued, "We need to get to a hospital now, there is a kid about to come out of my vagina whether we get to a hospital or not. Now move!" Did I mention I get very cranky and rude when I'm in labor? Well I get very cranky and mean.

"Yo-your water broke! Babe! My word! Let's go!" Draco acciod my pregnancy bag and Scorpio then ran to me and apparated to Saint Mungo's.

"Nurse! I need a nurse now! My Wife is about to give birth on this damn floor I someone doesn't help us right now!" Draco said, while freaking out. He doesn't do very well when I'm in labor. He still hasn't wrapped around his head that I can grow a human and then, in his words, poop it out. It totally freaks him out.

"Ahh!" I doubled over clutching my stomach. Labor pains are literally the worst.

"She needs a doctor NOW!" Draco yells.

A nurse comes running in with a 3 other nurses and a stretcher.

"Mr. Malfoy, please step back, we need to get your wife to a hospital room right away," one of the nurses told Draco.

"I damn well know Mimi needs to be in a hospital room, but you fools took forever!"

"Babe, babe calm down. They are here now an- AH. Damn kid, hits right where it hurts," I said.

The nurses put me on the stretcher and wheel me away.

"Sir, please stay behind. We will have someone come get you when we have Mrs. Malfoy situated," a nurse said.

"Fine, fine. Just take care of her okay?"

"Don't worry sir, she is in good hands."

The last thing I saw before I passed out was him nodding.


"You need to wake up. Please. If you don't wake up soon they will have to do a C-section. And I know you don't what that. So please, wake up," Draco whispered to me.

My eyes fluttered open. I turned my head so I could see him then lifted my hand and laid it on top of his.

"Your awake."

I nodded my head.

"You want to know what happened?"

I nodded.

He reached over me and pressed the nurse button before continuing.

"Ahh!" I exclaimed, clutching my stomach. I forgot I was in labor till now.

"The doctors said you were still having contractions while you were unconscious. How? I have no idea. But the doctors also said that the baby should be coming in any minute now," Draco explained to me. I could tell I was getting close, my contractions were about a 3 minute break period.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Quinn, I will be the doctor aiding you in your baby's birth. I'm very glad you woke up. I didn't want to have to preform a Caesarean section. Because you are so close to birthing time, we are going to send you to the delivery room.


Draco's POV

The nurses wheeled Mimi out of the room and into another. I honestly hate seeing her in pain. And giving birth is really really painful, not that I've given birth before or anything.

"Dady?" Scorps said, as he woke up. He fell asleep in a chair next to Mimi's bed.

"Yea bud?" I replied to him.

"Where's mummy?" he asked, concerend.

I pulled him onto my lap and said, "Well, you know how mummy has your baby sister in her tummy?"


"Well, mummy is about to push your sister out of her tummy so she can live with us in the outside world," I explained.

"Oh! So mummy is taking baby sister out of her tummy?" Scorps asked.

I chuckled and said, "something like that buddy." I then ruffled his hair.

"Dad!" Scorps yelled while glaring at me. I looked down at him and chuckled some more.

"Lets head down to the waiting room okay buddy? We are going to meet Aunty Ginny and Uncle Harry," I told Scorps. While Mimi was unconscious, I sent a patronus telling Ginny and Harry about Mimi's situation, and if they could take car of Scorpious while I was in the delivery room with Mimi. They said yes of course.

"Aunty!" Scorps yelled in joy as he saw Harry and Ginny.

"Scorpy!" Ginny yelled back in joy.

"Thank you guys so much for taking care of Scorps for me while Mimi is giving birth," I told the two.

"Its no problem! Now go to to your wife!" Ginny told me sternly. I laughed at her and went on my way.

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