02 Friends?

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Draco's POV

I can't believe I want to ask her to be friends. I know that I've been terrible to her, maybe that's why. Maybe the war really did change me. I don't know but I know I can't keep hiding my feelings towards her. I see girl weasel and Granger walking towards the Great Hall. Damn, Granger looks hot. I never knew she liked skinny jeans. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying it. This is it. Now or never.

"Hey Granger, can I talk with you a minute?" I ask. I'm so nervous. What is she going to say?!

"Sure Malfoy. Gin I'll be fine. Go ahead. I'll be there in a few." She answers. Phew, at least she is willing to talk to me alone. A big improvement. Girl weasel walks away.

"What do you need Malfoy?" She asks. Okay this is finally it. Don't screw it over Malfoy!

"Oh, erm, well..." I stumbled. So smooth Malfoy! Why am I so speechless? I should be speechless, this is Hermione for damn sake!

"Oh spit it out Malfoy," She says annoyingly.

"Right, well, um I just wanted to say...that um..Iwannabefriends and Iwannaapogize." I say super fast. Damn it! Why can't I act normal like I do with every other girl?!

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," she said. Well of course you didn't. I was being completely stupid! And mumbled! I mumbled! I never mumble!

"*sigh* okay, I was wondering if you wanted to be friends. And that I'm really sorry for everything I said and did to you. I was under a lot of stress from my father. I didn't want to disappoint him. I never really learned what was right and what was wrong. *puts hand on the back of his neck* I want to make it up to you. I really screwed up, with bringing the death eaters here and everything. You don't understand how much I put everything on me. I am to blame for all those deaths. I am to blame for Dumbledore's death. I am to blame for the whole bloody war! I just...I just want to say I'm sorry. Okay? Maybe you could forgive me and become friends. But that up to you." I walk away to the Great Hall while thinking; I can't believe I just told her all of that! I've never told anyone any of what I just told her! She is a filthy mudblood after all! Am I stupid? Or am I stupid? I'm stupid.

...did..did Malfoy just ask me to be friends? Did he just apologize to me for everything he did? Did he just?... Did he? He did....

"Draco wait up!" I say while trying to catch up to him. I reach is arm and turn him around and say, "Look, I know you had it rough and I know where were, and probably are under a lot of stress. But I want you to know that you are forgiven. I understand why you did all those things. You aren't to blame for it all. But just know I forgive you. If you wish us to be friends then that is okay, but I need time before anything happens okay?" I let go of his arm and walked away.

I can't believe Draco Malfoy's confession of how he felt and how he wants to someday be friends. That just surprises me. I am left contemplating and sorting through what he just said and what I just said. while walking over to my friends.

"Are you okay 'Mione?" Ron asks.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. I just recently received a confession," I tell them as I look over at Dra- er, Malfoy. Which, by the way was already looking at me.

"By whom?" Gin asks.

"Um, can we talk about it later? I'm still trying to figure out everything he said to me." I told Gin.

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