01 Finally, Im home

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      First day back
Hermione's POV

Present day, 7th year

"Ronald! Your not even packed and we leave tomorrow!! Get your arse up here!" I yell

I swear that boy is going to give me heart failure. He never does anything unless I tell him too.  He just doesn't understand does he.

"Geez 'Mione you don't have to be so harsh." Ron said sheepishly.

"So harsh?! Harsh?? You don't even have 24 hours to pack everything you will need! Ronald, you stress me out too much."

"You know 'Mione, you are the only one stressed out. And you already did your packing anyways!" He said angrily

Gah! He can be so annoying!

"I just want to make sure you have everything so your mom doesn't have to send it to you! Your 17, act like it! You know what, I'll just leave you alone to pack. Just hope you don't miss anything." I said as I stormed out.

He can be so stupid! He is 17 for Petes sake!! He can't rely on his mother forever. Why can't he take care of his own stuff. He isn't that little adorable 11 year old anymore.

"Hey 'Mione, Ron done packing yet?" Ginny asked.

"Haha you think he actually packed ahead of time?"

"True, very true. Well is he packing now?"

"I kind of got mad at him for not acting responsible, and for not acting 17. So I left him alone to pack. Only God knows if he is actually packing." I said

"Alright, I'll go send Harry up." She said

"Thanks Ginny."

"Don't sweat it." She said

I can finally relax. I sit on the couch and try to melt into it. It's just so comfortable..

"'MIONE!!" Ron yelled.

Oh course right when I get comfy he needs me.

"WHAT" I yell back.

"I NEED YOUR HELP" He yelled back

"Then come down here and ask me." I see his head pop around the corner. "No Ron, down here next to me you jolt."

"Oh, right." He takes a minute to reach me. "So, um can you teach me that one spell?

"What spell Ron?" I asked tiredly

"Um the one where you make your bag bigger on the inside" he asked nervously.

"You really don't know it Ronald? Just point inside the bag and say 'Capacious extremis' then you can fit anything you want in it."

"Thanks 'Mione!!" He said while running back up the stairs.

I waved him off with my hand. He can get on my nerves so fast.

"We leave in a half hour everyone! Do you last minute packing! Be down stairs in 10 minutes!!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

"Accio bag and shoes." I whispered.

Aah, the joys of being a witch. I don't even have to move and I can have all the things I need with in a second or two. I changed my outfit too a short black tight skirt. With a white shirt that flares a little towards the end. With a thin black belt around my waist, and black flats. I feel like I should look good on the first day back at Hogwarts after the war.

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