12 Her

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Ayye just kidding.

Draco's POV

How is this even possible? Could can she be here? The Death Eaters killed her! She shouldn't even be alive! Let alone here.

"Hello Draco!" She said happily. She is always happy. Always.

"I don't know if you remember me but my name is-"

"Draco dear your pale!" Madam Pomfrey cried, while interrupting her. I still can't get over the fact that she is here.

"It is just a side effect towards seeing me."

"Now why would you have anything to do with why Draco looks like he has seen a ghost?"

"Well because he saw me being tortured by Voldemort and then eaten by his snake," Charity Burbag said. Yea, thats right, the girl that was hanging upside down on my family table and eaten by Nagini. How she is alive? I have absolutely no idea.

"Wha--what? How are you alive child?" Madam Pomfrey asked nervously.

"Look I don't know how either, but after Nagini ate me I blacked out and when I woke back up, I wasn't dead. Maybe she heard my cries to be released. I don't know. All I know is that when I was healed from all my injuries I wanted to help people who it was hard to speak. After not speaking for awhile and then got my voice back I wanted to help others who had a hard time speaking as well," Charity explained.

Should I explain why her death obviously affected me? Yea, thats what I thought. So, Im probably going to go a little soft so just bare with me yah? Yah. I don't remember what year it was, but Charity was my muggles teacher. My parents didn't know I took that class. We met up twice a week. I have always wanted to learn about muggles. They has fasinate me. How they could live without magic. I dont think I ever could. Sorry I'm getting side tracked. Anyways, We got close. Like mother and son close. My really mom didn't care much about me. She never acted like a mom to me. The only time she really acted like a mom is when she asked Harry if I was alive. Sad right? Charity always asked me how my day was. She always scolded me when she heard about me bulling a kid. She was the reason why I changed sides. She showed me the the good in muggles and not why we should hate them because they aren't Pure Bloods. When I saw her hanging there, over the table, it broke my heart. I saw my mother being tortured. Then eaten. I couldn't show my sadness in front of everyone. After her death I started bulling kids really bad. Especially Hermione. Having Charity here now, taking care of me, has already lifted up my spirits. Knowing she is alive, gives me a bigger reason to live and ask for forgiveness from all I did harm too.

"Well we are all grateful you are back, but Draco needs to start talking. He really wants to see his lover but he is permitted until he can talk," Madam Pomfrey said,a bringing us back to the task at hand.

"Right, so are you up to this huge, and very, very long process?" Charity asked.

Since I couldn't talk, I nodded my head. Madam Pomfrey saw me nod my head and left.

Here is to a very long day ahead of me.

Please Read!!!
Hey guys! So I have some big news. As an early Christmas and New Years Resolutions, I have decided to try and update twice a week. The only thing different will be the length of the chapters. In order to update twice a week, the chapters will need to be cut back. All of the chapters to come will have a 500 word minimum.  I will try my absolute hardest to update twice a week. If anything, there will be at le sat one every week. I hope you all support this decision i have made. And i hope to have an other chapter up by Christmas! Enjoy everybody!!

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