08 When The Whole World Goes Silent

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Dinner is still being held at the Great Hall. If you were far enough away from school, then you were able to fly over. All the first years, including Ginny, are closest to school. Draco and I are one of the few who get to fly.

"Babe, it's time to head of to dinner!" I yell

"Coming baby girl!" Draco yells back. To some people it's to early to be calling each other that. But what me and Draco feel is different from what I felt for Ron. It's more powerful. And it feels right to be calling each other those names.

Draco walks into the room with his broom.

"I thought you were getting my broom as well" I ask.

"Well you see baby. I was, but then I thought that why not go together? We could be a little late and go in together. Then kiss before we go to our tables. It would show everyone we are together. The easiest way. And the funnest." He said with a smirk. I do hate that smirk sometimes. But it is pretty hot.

"Oh okay. That sounds like a wonderful idea. We can just have other people speed the news instead of us. So much faster right?" I ask sarcastically

" *gasp* No way! Did Hermione Granger just use sarcasm???! So I can rub off on somebody!" He exclaimed excitedly, with a toothy grin. I'm trying not to smile. He makes it so hard sometimes. "Yes it would be faster baby cakes., and it also makes it seem for interesting, please?"

"Oh fine. We can go together"

"Yay! Let's go in two minutes? That makes us a little bit late but no to late." He says childishly. He is the cutest.

"Sounds good to me babe" I say with a smile.

"So let's have a make out fest before we go? Yea?" Draco asks

"Um no! We have a minute before we leave and we would get caught up and be late. Maybe when we come back?"

He smiles at me and says, "Sounds like a plan Stan"

I go reapply my make up, adding some more dangerous looking makeup because I'm flying in with Draco. You gotta look at least a little fierce.

"Baby it's time to go"

"Alright coming babe"

I get down there and he looks at my face and the edge of his lips curl up a bit.

"Liking the new style gorgeous" He says than winks. I laugh at him and playfully hit his arm.

"Let's go" He hops onto his broom then helps me get on. Even tho flying isn't really my thing, I still like the rush it gives me.

As we are flying to the Great Hall, I admire the beauty that we will be living next to for the next month. It is so gorgeous. I will never get enough.

"We're here" Draco says. I see that the doors to the Great Hall is still open. And it looks like everyone is in. Perfect.

"Why don't you fly to the doors then help me off then kiss and sit down?" I ask. He turns his head to face me. He has a smile on his face,

"I didn't know miss goody to shoes had an evil side. I like it. You ready for a dramatic entrance baby?"

I smile back evilly, "Everyone has a bad side, I'm ready to use it. And yes, bring it on babe"

We fly into school and towards the Great Hall. My hands around his waist and my head resting on his shoulder is how everyone saw us.

We haven't seen everyone in two days. Everyone off alone with no classes for two days. And this is how they see us.

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