17 Ms. Whiney Pants

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Hermione's POV

It has been a month since my Doctor told me I should start my recovery stage. And she was right. She told me just yesterday that I only need to stay at the hospital for another week. And that's only because they want to make sure nothing else happens to me. I am so, so excited to leave this place. 

Draco's voice is doing so much better. You can barely tell he had a voice problem to begin with. Things are finally looking up for us. We only have three months until graduation, three months! I'll be able to graduate with everybody else in my year because I have been doing school work at the hospital. Everything has been pretty simple. I think the professors made my schoolwork a lot easier then everybody else because of what happened to me. I know what happened to me was bad, but I shouldn't get easier school work because of that. Not to sound conceded in any way, but I know that my skills as a witch are good enough to still have normal classes. I worry about Draco though. Ever since we, well I, learned that going through such a traumatic experience could cause damage to my brain, I have been taking everything slow. The Doctor said about two months after my recovery stage I should be able to return to my normal life. I won't have to make sure I don't over use my brain, in any way. which totally sucks by the way. But I'm on the road to recovery so I'm very happy about that.


"Sit down Mimi, you know you can't go. Hermione, sit your arse down now. I'll use magic if I have too. You know I will," said Draco.

"But babe," I whined, "Graduation is in two weeks!  I'm practically healed all the way. I want to go to the last two weeks of school! It's only an extra week! Please!"

"I would love to let you break the rules and go to classes a week before you're allowed to, but I broke my doctors rules and because I broke them and I ended up needing an extra week to heal. I'm not letting you do that, I'm sorry babe. An you can't use your time necklace. I took it. I freaking love you, but stay here. I mean it," Draco argued. Ugh, I hate it when he pulls out his injury card. Damn it!

"Fine, fine. I wont go this week. I've been so bored. All I've done in the last month and a half is sitting around and doing nothing. I hate doing nothing! I cant even read! Gah!" I said angrily, "But your right, I should be staying in here doing absolutely nothing."

"Well maybe I can stay in today, it being your first day back at Hogwarts and all," Draco say carefully.

"Didn't you here the doctors rules? I'm not allowed to do anything. That means nothing from you. I'll have no use for you so you better go to classes so you wont get bored like I will," I said. Draco just stared at me.

"You know what, I better leave now before you change my mind. Because whenever we talk about something important my mind goes to jelly when you give your argument. that can't happen today, so I'm leaving. I love you with all my heart. See you at lunch, okay?" Draco said as he was walking away. I laugh at his logic, than say,

"Oh Alright, I love you too. Have fun!" 

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