Chapter 11

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January 1, 2005


Same day


Even though I was trying really hard not to listen to the girls through the wall, I could still make out bits and pieces of their conversation.

Okay, maybe I didn't try that hard.
Okay, fine I didn't try at all.

In fact, I might have tried really hard to listen. If only the guys would have shut their stupid mouths, maybe I could have at least heard the loud redhead.

I heard Vanessa yell something about good sex in Kat's life. Shit, were they talking about me?

I've never been so fucking insecure about a girl before. What the hell is wrong with me?

I couldn't make out anything Kat said, but Vanessa's voice came through clearly. She practically yelled about Kats ex being unable to satisfy her.

I tried to hide my snicker, but Kai stopped mid sentence to glare at me. "What the fuck is so funny? I haven't even got to the good part."

I couldn't think up an excuse, so I went for an apology. "Sorry, bro."

"Just ignore him, he's smitten with his new girl." Nate betrayed me.

"What the fuck, man?" I tried to think of more, but I was in shock. Smitten? Who says that?

"Just telling it like it is, bro." Nate smirked. Asshole.

"Whatever. She's definitely not my girl." I crossed my arms defensively, hoping he would take the hint and back the fuck off.

As soon as we heard the girls screaming at each other, I was on my feet, ready for... what?

Was I worried about Kat? What could I even do? She barely even liked me. She would probably just turn her wrath on me.

Nate stood up and clapped his hand down on my shoulder. "I got this." Thank fuck. I blew out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I tried to focus on Kai's story, but my mind kept drifting to Kat.

Damn, Vanessa was the only one with Nate when he returned.

Where was my little hurricane?

"Hey 'Ness! Good to see you again." Luke smiled from next to the stove, waving the spatula in greeting.

Vanessa smiled and stepped up to the breakfast bar. "Hey Luke, where's Soph?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." Luke grimaces as he moves to the opposite side of the breakfast bar.

"Uh oh... Trouble in paradise?" Vanessa pats his arm to console him.

Fuck this. I can't sit here and listen to this small talk. I need to find Kat. I need to apologize.

I wasn't sure where Kat would be, but I saw the redhead drag her into the empty room next to mine, so I knock on that door.

Even though she tried to turn me away, I was determined. She accepted my apology, but she seemed to withdraw afterwards. What did I do wrong?

I thought apologizing would make things better, give us a fresh start, but she said she didn't want to start over.

And that made me fucking ecstatic. I wanted to remember everything, every little detail.

As we walk into the kitchen, Kai stops shoving food in his mouth long enough to be obnoxious. "Daaamn bro, your girl is smokin'!"

I smirk, giving a slight nod in acknowledgement, but I know better than to speak.

"I'm not his girl." Kat sounds offended. Oh shit. Shut up, Kai.

"So sorry, my lady." She is full on glaring at him by this point and I'm resisting the urge to grab an umbrella and wait out the storm that's brewing.

"I'm not your lady either." I fail at hiding the laugh that escapes out of me. Even though Kai had no idea what he was getting into, I could get used to her rage being aimed at someone other than me.

Shit. Now she's glaring at me again. "Something amusing?"

I drop the smirk and shake my head, hoping I look innocent.

Her eyebrows raise further, in question. "No, Kat." Feeling very much like the schoolboy who got caught. Guess I got detention.

"Sorry, Kat, is it?" His stupid face continues taking. Fuck, he's gonna get this whole house burnt down.

Just shut up, Kai.
I'm sending a brain message to him.

Stop talking.
Stop talking.
Stop talking.

Of course, he doesn't hear me, so he continues digging his grave. "I just assumed since Vanessa is with Nate-dog, Soph is with Luke and I'm pretty sure you aren't with me... Benny here is the only option."

"Oh." She... wait. What? That's it? What the fuck? She would have murdered me.

"Oh?" I say it before I can stop myself. What is wrong with me? She turns her little glare on me.

God, could she be more breathtaking? I want to worship her... and run for shelter at the same time. What is she doing to me?

"Sorry, just ignore me." I try to cut off her rage before it starts, but fail.

"Will do." Her eyes avoid mine as she hurries out of the kitchen.

I follow after her. Of course I do. I am a glutton for punishment.

But as I stand outside the door of my room, I'm at a complete loss.

I'm honestly not sure what I did wrong, other than piss her off... but I seem to do that simply by breathing.

I just want to be near her.

Come on, Ben. Get a fucking hold of yourself. You are the man. You don't need another disaster. Remember what happened last time you - no, don't think about that.


No relationships.
No dating.
No long term.
No feelings.

That's the deal. Nate might have fallen off the wagon, but I know he will come back around.

Time to reign this in. I turn the knob and walk in without looking at her. That will make this easier.

I sit on my bed, next to her and stare at the floor as I begin my half-assed blow-off attempt.

"So, listen, Kat... This has been fun. But you know, I'm just like super busy right now and I just think maybe-" She cuts me off, which is good because I ran out of cliches to use.

"Are you serious right now?" If her eyes could shoot lasers, I would be cut into tiny pieces... and she would probably enjoy it. A lot. "I can't even... I can't..."

She shakes her head and walks out the door. I swear I feel a piece of me follow her, but like the pussy I am, I stay behind.

She chose to run away from the shell that's left of me.

So I let her.

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