"Stella, you dress like a slut, you walk like a slut, you talk like a slut, hell you are a slut! So, behave like one."
She loved small clothes, high heels, and cute boys. But again, who doesn't? But was this what she actually wanted, needed?
hola. ok so because i put a flashback in the previous chapter, it won't make sense to put only the latter half of it as my recap. sooo, in the recap, i am gonna be putting the part which was before the flashback i.e. the part which was actually going on / reality. thats all, ly.
"I knew there was something wrong. Blake, you know sometimes, I just wish that I had listened to my parents. I thought it was cool being the way I am right now, but they warned me about the consequences of everything."
"Hey, cheer up, sweetie. We're seniors, these kind of things keep happening around high school. Chill, you'll get over it, um...him.", Blake said. How could he not think that this was not a big deal? I mean, I almost got raped, my life is screwed up and he's like just like, "Chill".
"No Blake, this is a really big -", I was interrupted by him pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Uh...what is it that you're trying to do?"
"Well, I'm trying to get a smile on that pretty face of yours, so...remember when we went to that boring family dinner of yours? And for some reason, your mom wanted me to come?"
Oh my god. That was such an amazing day. I laughed and nodded, signaling him to go on.
Basically, last month or so, my family was having this "family dinner" which we do every year. And mom wanted Blake to come. As expected, it turned out to be VERY boring. How we spent the dinner? Well, we ended up taking lots of pictures. Lots. And this one picture turned out to be amazing. And by amazing, I mean photo shoot - like. And after we saw that picture, Blake did what...Blake would do. He put that picture as his profile picture on all his social media. And yeah, everyone started bugging and asking me if I was dating Blake, just because of how close we were. And what can I say, Blake enjoyed it.
"I still have that picture, Stells", Blake said, with that really annoying, teasing face of his.
"Oh god no", I said covering my face with my hands, dreading what was about to come next.
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*above attached : a picture of Stella ( played by Madison Beer ) and Blake ( played by Francisco Lachowski ) *
"You look really pretty, Stells. In the picture and real life. You didn't deserve any of the shit that Alex has recently been giving you. I'll treat you better, princess", Blake said, concerned.
I didn't understand what the last line meant, "I'll treat you better", until Blake leaned in a kissed me.
I gasped, but he kept going. I kissed him back. What the hell were we doing? Once I came back to my senses, I immediately broke the kiss. Blake's face had an emotion of confusion, hurt but most of all, regret.
"What are you trying to do, Blake? Are you trying to use me? I mean, I trusted you and told you everything, and this is how you take advantage of me! I just think of you as a friend, and nothing else. Although, I don't think we can still be that", I said while I was fuming with anger.
"Shit, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...uh...kiss you, while you're in the middle of...all this...shit.", he said, while rubbing the back of his neck.
"You don't have to tell me in what kind of shit I am in, I know very well, thank you"
"Yeah, yeah Stella listen to me-"
Just about as I was about reply to him, I heard some shuffling noise in the background, like someone was there. I turned around to see nothing, just my imagination.
I got up and left. What I didn't know was, that from that day, everything in my life would go downhill.
_______________________________________________ This was kind of just a filler, but keep in mind that the details you think are not-so-important, will turn out to be one of the most important things in the story :)
Vote and comment! And I'm travelling today, as you may know from my a/n in the previous chapter, so updates will be SLOW. don't worry this is only for like two weeks or so.