The Life Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles

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Keywords: Energy, Unrestricted, Rejection, Break Rules, Sacrifice Others, Options, Domination, Effective, Reckless, Temptation, Optimism, Luxury, Increase, Activity

Symbols: Growth, Plants, Animals, Food, Youth

Life is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Its Opposite is the Aspect Doom. When I think of Life, I think of the growth and potential of energy that happens when you are first born and grow as a child and the rebellious nature of children and teens, not accepting that you just can't do some things and finding loopholes and ways out of responsibilities and obligations to just do what you wanna do. It is the desire to change, do something different. It's the messy grey foggy area where things are not always clear about what's happening or why, or where and when you should go next. It is the excitement and anticipation for the unknown that's waiting out there for you. Life maybe doesn't always see what it truly wants, but when it does, or it sees something it might really want, its gets there as fast as it can, no matter who or what is in the way. Things can Change and you do have that power and opportunity! The universe isn't stagnant and neither are you! Nobody not even Life itself has everything figured out quite yet, so don't stop trying when you mess up, you're only on the beginning of your path!

Witch of Life: One who Manipulates with Life or Manipulates Life

Witches are enthusiastic, confident and optimistic rebels. They break and change the physical and metaphysical "Rules" of their Aspect. Their challenge is to use their rule breaking powers in a morally conscious way

A Witch of Life would rebel against the idea of being totally unrestricted in your own reckless temptations and luxuries. They would change and control people's and their own temptations and reckless dominating natures. They would have the ability to change and manipulate the life around them, whether that be plants, animals or any of kind of food. The canon Witch of Life Feferi was like this as well, being a tyrian blood, but somehow acted somewhat sweet and nicer than the other tyrian bloods. It's implied she is in control of her own tyrian nature to dominate and be reckless in that respect, increasing it or decreasing it as needed.

She also cared for and "culled" a variety of aquatic animals and cuttlefish and had the passion to change the nature of troll society away from one that was so dominating and sacrificing of others. A Witch of Life would have the power to manipulate the luxury and optimism of others, either being a philanthropist or making everyone equal and happy, or they could do quite the opposite and make everyone unequal and unhappy. They might also be able to manipulate the growth of themselves and others, either making them older or younger, or even manipulate their lifespan, extending or decreasing it at will. If a troll, they would have the power to upend the hemocaste system, making the physical differences in lifespan even out between them all.

They are given free rein in an Aspect already about all kinds of power and free reign. A Witch of Life has equal opportunity to create a democracy as they do a tyrant state. This may factor into their challenge to use their powers in a morally conscious way and this doesn't mean just increasing everything for everybody, A Witch of Life could extend life yes but they could not heal sickness or illness. Is it moral to extend to the eternal suffering of a person dying? To keep a metaphorical head in a jar without agency alive just to blink and feel pain? This is part of their moral challenge I think, whether or not to manipulate life whenever they want, and when to do it.

Heir of Life: One who Invites Manipulation of Life or one who Invites Manipulation through Life

Heirs naturally gravitate towards their Aspect or unconsciously seek it out. They huge amounts of Aspect related strength as well. Their challenge is to not get stuck on one thing, to know when to move on and adapt

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