Are You An Alien?

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After "Peridot" stomped away, I thought about Steven.

Aww!! Peridot is probably his girlfriend!! Aw... I thought I actually had a chance. Steven doesn't know about my boring life. But he already has a girlfriend...

I groaned and fell backwards into the soft, warm, comforting sand. I soaked my feet in the water and covered my face with my hands. I sat there for a little bit and thought. I concluded my thoughts and sat up. I looked in the direction of Steven's house. I saw Steven and Peridot trekking up to his house. Steven turned around. I guess to take in the view.

I looked at him and waved. He smiled and waved back.

I might have a chance as a friend...

Steven turned back around and followed Peridot back to the house. I smiled like an idiotic, love-struck,... Um... I don't know... An idiotic, love-struck, idiot? I don't know, I couldn't think. I was love-struck...

I plopped down onto the warm, comforting sand. I laid on my back and stared at the pink sky. I sighed and crossed my arms behind my head. I looked at the orange sun sinking below the horizon.

"Vrmmm!! Vrmmm!!"

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I looked at the screen. "Mom."

I sat up and swiped the answer button.

"Hey, Mom!! What's up?" I asked cheerfully.

"Where are you? We're about to go eat at Fish Stew Pizza."

"Fish Stew Pizza? That better not be what they serve," I added.

"Well, whether they do, or don't, we are going. It took forever to pick a restaurant. But where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mom. I just took a stroll on the beach. Just to relax."

"Well, next time, let me know before you leave like that!!"

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple minutes. Byeeeeeeeee!!"

A sigh came from the other end of the line as I ended the call and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I stood up and brushed the sand off my shorts and shook the sand off my back. I walked back along the shore, opposite of which I had come. I broke into a jog and soon the beach house came into sight. I saw my mom holding her purse, tapping her foot at the doorway through the sliding glass door.

I sprinted the rest of the way to find an awaiting mom, impatiently stomping her foot by now.

"Sorry." I cringed as I passed her when I slid the door open and slipped through, making sure to slide the door shut.

Mom let out a sigh and smiled. "It's okay. Just tell me when you're leaving the house next time. It's just, we hardly know anyone and I'd hate for you to get lost."

I smiled back and gave a small nod. "I will in the future. I promise."

I jogged upstairs. This house was awfully big for just Mom and I. But it was really roomy and was an improvement from a cramped apartment. I grabbed my handbag and placed my earbuds, lip balm, perfume, and my wallet in it. I hopped downstairs and greeted Mom before heading out the door to Fish Stew Pizza. I cringed at the name.

I walked beside my mom and whipped out my phone.

I checked out Instagram and tumblr. I had like.. Twenty-seven likes, eleven comments, twelve people had tagged me, and I had seven new followers on Instagram. I really thought I was famous but then realized I was on my fandom account. I drowned and switched to my personal account.

Eight likes, one comment, two people had tagged me, and zero new followers. I rolled my eyes. We walked awhile before I stumbled on a rock.

"You oka- Are you gonna be on that thing the whole entire time?!" Mom asked impatiently as she noticed I was holding my phone.

"Err.. No," I stammered before slipping my phone back in my pocket.

We walked into town and wandered around for a while. Mom finally found the place right before I about lost it!! I mean, who goes to a city they've only been to once and decides to eat at a place, without getting directions or at least the address? Mom. Mom does. Let's continue.

So we walked in and were met by a girl named, Kiki.

"Hi!! What would you like to order? We have a special today!" Kiki asked my mom. I told my mom to order for me. After that I just stared at my surroundings. This place was kind of odd. Especially the fact that some teenager with curly hair was eating here with his lab top. His hair was what was weird.

I didn't know what to call him when I became interested in what he was looking at. He was on a site called "Keep Beach City Weird."  So I just came up with one.

"Hey, curly fry!!" I whisper shouted so Mom wouldn't hear. The guy immediately looked around until he saw me. He narrowed his eyes and waved me over. I walked up to him.

"What do you want? Are you an alien?!" he asked, completely horrified.

"No! I just saw 'Keep Beach City Weird,' which was kind of odd and..."

"Hmmm... Are you sure you're not an alien?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay then."

Just then I heard a bell ring to signal that a customer had entered. I turned around to see Steven.

I smiled and waved.

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