...An Awkward Silence...

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"Oh, hi Steven! Look at my new post!!" "Curly Fry" greeted Steven, waving him over as he did to me.

Steven jogged over to him as he turned the screen towards him.

"Aww, cool!! That will make an awesome edition to your site, Ronaldo!!" Steven assured him.

"Yeah. See if you click here and here then refresh... You get... This!!!" Ronaldo cracks up as he spitted out the last couple words. I couldn't see what they were looking at it, but I could tell it was funny.

"W-What are y-you guys looking at?" I questioned and tried to peer over Steven's shoulder.

"HEY!! This is top secret!!" Ronaldo whispered and shut his lab top.

"Oh, hey, (y/n)!!" Steven smiled.

I gazed into his dark, sparkling eyes. He clearly was confused. But he was still cute when he was confused.

I managed some sort of greeting. "H-hi, St-steven," I greeted meekly.

"Um... What are you doing here?"

And thats when I began to play "hard-to-get."

"Oh you know, hunting elephants," I say smartly.


"What do ya think I'm doing at Fish Stew Pizza? Silly!" I smile as my mom called me to a table across from them.

I sat down across from Mom.

"They'll have come get our order in a couple minutes," Mom told me.

"Oh, okay!" I beamed.

Soon, a girl came around to our table.

"Hi!! I'm Jenny! What can I get you to drink, today?" Jenny asked unenthusiastically.

"Um... Can have some cola?" I asked, uncomfortably.


"And I'd like a water with lemon," Mom told Jenny.

"Okay," Jenny trudged to a fountain drink dispenser and filled a cup up with cola and another with water. Then she dragged her feet all the way back to us. "Here you go. Lemme get the lemon."

"Thank y-," Mom thanked her as she walked away. "You?"

I took a sip of my drink. I looked up at Mom. Then I looked at the menus. I was bored.

Mom sighed. "Well, I have to go the bathroom." Mom got up and handed me her purse. "Make sure nobody takes this."

"Will do." Once Mom left I turned around to see Steven and Ronaldo talking. Steven seemed hurt by my remark.

I face palmed myself.

Darn it!! That was so stupid!! Steven is probably sensitive!!

I buried my face in a menu and slurped my drink. I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"So, Steven? Are you and Connie a thing? Or you and Peridot?"

"Connie? Peridot? Ronaldo, no!! Connie's just a friend and Peridot's a crystal gem like Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst. Ronaldo, it's gem stuff. You wouldn't understand."

"Oh, I wouldn't understand? I'm the one with a Keep Beach City Weird site!! I know everything weird about Beach City!!"

"Ronaldo, gems don't have genders. They're not really girls, or boys? I don't know!! It's confusing!!"

Crystal gems? Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst? Connie? No genders!?!?! What the heck?! I better just mind my own business.

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