Strange Girl

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Mom and I ate our dinner quickly and went for a walk on the beach. I had already gotten my share of the setting sun and really didn't feel like walking along the beach. It would only remind me more of Steven. Then I would get confused and Mom would think something was wrong.

But Mom forced me to anyway. At least the sun had gone done. The sky close to the set sun was a dark shade of purple and the rest was a light blue.

So we walked along the beach for a minute before I sat along the shore and examined the seashells. Mom sat down for awhile. Then her phone rang. She pulled her phone out of her pocket.

"One sec, (Y/N). I have to take this. It's work," Mom said, apologetically. She stood up and walked aways.

I frowned. Mom always worried about work. And she was always busy with work.

I buried my hands in the sand and I set my feet in the water. The cool, once warm, water felt nice. The sand had cooled down, too.

I laid down. A couple of clouds floated carelessly across the evening sky. The sky became less and less interesting as I stared at it more and more. I looked around.

A girl had sat down a little ways down the shore. She looked about my age. Her glasses sat upon her head like sunglasses. She was wearing a nice dress with big, red boots. She had tan skin and long black hair.

I thought her attire was a little odd. It was hot outside. Who would wear boots?

Anyways, she looked lonely. She folded her arms over her knees and looked at the horizon. She straightened her knees and pushed her arms behind her. Her palms supported her as she laid back.

Then the girl looked up at Steven's house. Desperately. I thought this was kind of weird, too.

Maybe she knows Steven?

I frowned. I sat up.

Should I go say hi? What if she thinks I'm weird? What if she thinks I'm desperate for a friend? And that I've lived me whole entire life here and never made any friends?!

As I dealt with the dilemma, she stood up and walked away. I didn't see where to, because I was so deep in thought. I realized she was gone when I decided to go say hi.

A frown spread across my face again.

"Oh well. I'm sure to see her again," I said to myself.

Just then, Mom hang up and sighed.

"What was that?" Mom inquired, curiosity sparking in her eyes.

"Nothing. I was just talking to myself," I stated.

Mom sat down next to me. "About what?"

"Oh. There was a girl over there and I wanted to say hi. But then she left. And I was just saying that I'd see her again," I explained patiently.


I looked up at the fading clouds.

"Should we go?"

Mom looked at her watch. "Yeah, we should."

I nodded and sat up. I looked at the ocean again before standing up. I brushed the sand off of my pants and arms. Mom did the same.

"What happened to your friends? I thought they were coming to dinner with us," I asked, confused.

"Well, they all couldn't decide on a place to eat. So, they all stayed home because they would be eating alone anyway. But, I have you." Mom smiled before continuing," I just asked one of them about a good place and they said: 'Fish Stew Pizza!'"

I smiled. We began to walk along the shore back to the house.

This day was boring.

Then I remembered.

No. I met Steven.

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