Day 2

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I had a hard time sleeping the first night. I tend to have trouble sleeping anywhere besides home. I think everybody has that problem.

I mean, besides the lucky people.

I remembered Mom said she was going to make breakfast then go to her friend's house. She had asked me to go with her. Her friend had a daughter my age. But I insisted to stay home. Well, er, not home. More like the house. And I wasn't going to hang around the beach house for the day. I was going to check out that donut place I had seen on the boardwalk.  "The Giant Donut," I think. Or something like that.

Maybe bump into Steven.

I hopped out of bed and out of my pajamas and into some clothes. A white tank top, plaid blouse, and jean shorts. My usual attire. And my Nike's.

I bounced out of the room I was staying in and down the stairs.

Mom was sanding by the stove with a "Shake'n'Bake" bottle on the counter next to her. Mom isn't much of a cook. I guess she just wanted to make breakfast special for our vacation. Before school, if I ever had time, I would usually have cereal. I preferred Reese's. Otherwise I would have breakfast at school.

"Hi!!" I jumped the last couple stairs.

Mom's gaze or expression didn't budge. "Hey, honey."

I frowned. I was expecting her to be in a good mood. But then again, I knew she would need to concentrate. Like I said, she wasn't much of a cook.

I sat down at the counter. I wanted to start a conversation, even though I knew she was making pancakes, I asked what she was making.

I was smacked in the face with the reply I expected.


It was the only thing Mom made. I mean, when she actually made breakfast.

"Ahh," I answered, blandly.

I reached in my pocket. My phone. It was missing. I freaked out for a moment before realizing I left it on the desk in the room I was staying in.

"Be right back," I announced, unanswered.

I sighed and stood up. I jogged upstairs and into my room. I walked up to the desk and was surprised by an actual friend request on Facebook. I entered my passcode and looked at Facebook.

"Huh. 'Cookiecat_Quartz.Universe'. Wonder who that is," I said inwardly.

It was odd getting a friend request. I had friend requests coming in rarely. This was something out of the ordinary. I decided check the profile out.

I looked at the profile. A picture of some kind of ice cream sandwich. It looked like a cat. I giggled. "Cookie cat," I noted.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and headed back downstairs.

I sat back down at the counter before pushing my stool in as far as it would until I couldn't fit. I rested my forearms on the counter and looked up at Mom who was now serving the pancakes. I reached across the counter and grabbed a fork, napkin, and syrup.

"Thanks." I added my thanks as Mom slid my plate across the smooth surface to me.

Mom looked up from her own plate and smiled before nodding. Something just seemed off. She seemed upset.

I shrugged it off and concluded my thoughts.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

I smirked at my skill in brushing it off. Then I reminded myself that I had (adjective, such as "plenty" or "not a lot") of practice.

We finished up our pancakes after me attempting to start a conversation several times before Mom shutting me down. Every time I had, she kind of sighed, answered my question, and never responded with the response I was hoping for.

I cleaned up the counter and dishes before heading upstairs. After which, heading upstairs and throwing a few things into my backpack. Essentials, such as (whatever you take with you on a daily basis. Me? A sketch pad, pencil, pen, eraser, drawing materials like such. Maybe a book. But that's just me).

I slipped he bag onto my shoulders and adjusted a little. I wandered towards Mom's room and told her I was heading out.

"Alrighty; be safe," she reminded me as she put on a layer of mascara.

"Will do." I smiled and shuffled out of the room and out the door.

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