Chapter 17

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Well the excitement was short lived. Three months into my pregnancy I felt like I was in this all alone. I could stay up and cry and Jerome wouldn't care. I was having emotional issues early on and I didn't like it not one bit. He would tell me that I wasn't in this alone that just made it worst because he wasn't keeping his word. I slept in the guest room most nights it was more comfortable in there anyway. Jess came over and sat with me most days. "Girl you know you huge to be 3 months look like you got a balloon under your shirt" she said bouncing down on the bed. "Don't you think I know and y'all don't make it no better by telling me how big I look. But its all healthy weight though I got two babies to love on for these next 6 months" I told her while rubbing my belly it felt good knowing they were inside me and I was gonna be a mommy for the first time, it excited me. "What if you don't go full term because you know most woman with twins have a high risk pregnancy" she said giving the bed another bounce. "Well I'm hoping I do and can you stop bouncing you're acting like a child and I'm pretty sure you have enough children at home" I said trying to stand up my back has been messing with me ever since I found out I was pregnant. "Don't be talking about my kids like that, that's why I'm not finna help you up because you want to talk shit" she said laughing at me. "Its ok cuz I got this" I said taking a deep breath while trying to roll over. She sat there laughing while staring at me struggle. "You know you ain't shit you could at least help me" I said still trying to roll but unsuccessfully going anywhere. I watched as she laughed than helped me up. "Again I repeat you ain't shit" I said walking to the bathroom. "I could've left you there struggling don't get up talking shit" she said as she sat back down. i heard my phone playing the ringtone i had programmed for Rome he was the only one that got a personalized ringtone. I couldn't stand him at this second but my love for him was still as strong as the first day we met well not the first but still. "Jess can you get that for me please" i yelled as i got off the toilet i wanted to talk to him so bad. he had been ignoring me lately. i walked out and seen the look on her face it looked like she didn't want to be here. "What happened" i asked already starting to get depressed. "Rome says he has to stay late they just gave him a case that has to be done by friday" she said ducking a little. "What Friday today is Wednesday who gives someone a case they have to get done in three days that's some bullshit" i said starting to cry this was making me sick.

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