As I finally found out what Ray did for a living I tried not to give a damn because any further information and I would blow. "Hey can you just drop me off here please I need some time to breath and think to myself" I asked. "Faith we're on the expressway where the hell you trying to go let me know I'll take you" he said getting annoyed. "Just drop me off here please I don't want to argue with no one I'll see you later on ok" I yelled grabbing the door handle wanting to get away from it all. He instantly hit the locks. "Ok ok damn but Faith we need to talk about this sometime" he said as he drove to an exit. I got out and walked to the bus stop. Shit I didn't even know what the fuck I was doing. I hailed a cab instead. I gave him the address for the hospital. He looked at me crazy than drove there without saying a word I was glad for the silence. I got out paid the weird man than walked in. I asked the lady what room was Kelly Chambers in. She directed me to one of the more private rooms. "Kelly you have a visitor" the lady said as she left me there. I looked at the woman who had given birth to me. The once thick mixed girl that every man wanted was now so skinny you could see almost every bone in her body. "Mommy it's me Faith remember your daughter" I asked barely above a whisper. "I ain't got no kids except for this one inside me" she said wrapping her frail hands around her belly. My mom went crazy after I turned 6 but for some reason she still thinks she's pregnant with child I wasn't sure if she thought it was supposed to be me or a new baby. "Oh well ok can I feel the baby" I asked already knowing the answer was no. "No you gone hurt my baby or try to take her away from me" she said as she tried to push me away from her and her imaginary unborn child. "I'm not going to but if you don't want to I'll leave it alone. Have you been eating remember the doctors said you have to eat so you and your baby can be healthy" I said to her as I sat down in the one lonely chair. I realized I could smell a hint of cologne coming from the chair. I wondered who had come to see my mama. "I don't like them doctors they always trying to tell me what to do. But I listen to her daddy and he always tells me to be good and do what I'm supposed to" she said as she pointed to her belly making a statement than fell asleep. I wondered if she was telling the truth or was she still in her world. I spent 20 minutes watching her sleep before I asked the lady if someone else had come to see her, and she said yes some man named Shane, Zane, or Shaun" I told her thank you and left. I had few words for mister Shane. As I walked out I ran into a familiar face. "Ktown what's good with you girl I ain't seen you around the block in a while. I'm finna go see your mom see if she still having my baby. I been waiting a while" dope boy who was actually a female I use to run with said before laughing. "You know what fuck you. You sick twisted bitch my mama don't need nor does she have anything for you" I said before walking away. "Aye Ktown tell yo daddy I said what up ain't seen that nigga in awhile now he reappearing. I wonder what the hell is happening to this world" he said as I walked down the street trying to get as far away from him as possible. I caught the first cab back to the bronx.When I entered the house my daddy was sitting in the dark talking to himself or the phone acting like he was hiding a secret which he was. "So Shaun you been going to see my mom without me knowing. Did you really think i wasn't going to find out. Shit if that was your intension well you failed horribly to everyone knows you've been going to see my mama except me" I said. "Look you need to calm the fuck down you ain't nothing but a little girl. I don't have to tell you a damn thing alright" he yells right back a me. "What the hell you mean you don't have to tell me anything when it comes to my mom yeah you do." I told him feeling upset. "Like I said I don't have to tell you nothing ok get that through your damn head ok" he said getting in my face. I tried to ignore my first instinct to punch the shit out of him for being so damn disrespectful and getting in my face like I was some bitch off the streets. I stepped back and took a breath. "Well since you ain't gotta do nothin well I guess I'm gone go about my business than because you being an asshole" I told him as I left the crib I wasn't with muthafuckas acting like that towards me regardless of who they were family or not. As I was walking out I walked right into Ray. "Where you going boo you finna leave and do what cause ain't nothing out there but trouble" he said laughing. "Look as far as I'm concerned we don't know each other, we don't fuck we don't touch or speak ok cause I think I already told you I don't mess with dope boys that mess around in they own product aight" I told him trying to push pass him with no such avail because he just stood there solid as brick. "Damn I thought we was cool but I guess not. I told you I loved you but I guess you ain't got the same feelings for me, damn it makes me feel like what you was spiting earlier was just game" he said referring to us earlier before I found out he sniffs coke and before we both got arrested. "Well that was earlier before all this shit happened" I told him as I finally succeeded in pushing him out of my way.So Faith's mom is in New York y'all
Rays back
Let me know what yall think this is my first book
