Chapter 18

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I think I'm gone switch it up and do Rome POV now. Than maybe come back. We'll see but keep reading please.

So I sat there and wondered how can I get a girl like that pregnant. I was so excited but just the mire thought of having to deal with her forever like that was a whole new level. And it was crazy because I felt like she was cheating on me I had no way to prove it but it was there and I knew it was no one could tell me any different. I just didn't want to accuse her than she go completely off on me while my kids were inside her than I would have to slap a bitch into the next dimension she just don't know how i be feeling. sometimes i don't know wither i want to love her crazy ass or tell her ass just leave, even though sometimes i think leaving would be best but i would never tell her that. i just want the girl i fell in-love with back what happened to her. But that time was over with time to get back to this money the new manager they hired at my job was no joke and i think she has her eyes set on me i just hoped not, i didn't need anymore issues. i checked to see if faith had called but still nothing no messages no phone calls nothing to say i was worried was an understatement we had never went this long without talking but her hormones seem to take over her mouth she was saying some of the rudest  shit she could think of. she finally moved into the guest room i miss laying beside her but not enough to deal with her attitude and constant mood changes. She was ignoring me more lately she thinks I'm cheating i guess but i couldn't really care less. "Excuse me Rome hows your day been" the new manager Rocky asked. "Its been fine so far how may help you ms.Rocky" i asked while sitting back in my chair. "Well i have another case for you to handle and i need it done by Friday" she said as i took my chance and did a complete once over. She was fine as wine i could just imagine bending her over my desk. "Wait hold on today's Wednesday how am i supposed to get anything done by Friday that's impossible" i told her instantly getting pissed and erasing the thought of her private places from my mind. "I know Rome and nothings impossible if you want to keep your position and keep making that beautiful girlfriend of yours happy" she said before she walked away. Now to break the news to Faith she wasn't gone be happy at all. Or maybe I could just not tell her, she didn't have to know everything that went on ill tell her anyway so i sent her a text saying i had to work on the cases til Friday. I just know i had to get this case done and the one before it this was gone a long ass 2 days and i just couldn't deal, i knew Rocky was gone be on my ass so i got started on the second case putting my original to the side for just a moment . i felt my phone vibrate it was Faith i should've known she'd be calling.  "Yes faith i'm working i have 2 cases to finish by Friday baby i cant be bothered right now." i told her getting ready to hear her mouth that's all i got from her now a days and it was starting to blow me. I listened to her cry about being all alone and how i had been just ignoring her now i'm taking another case just to be away from her. "I swear that's not the case baby i just have to do this Do you want me to lose my job, cause if i don't finish them that's what going to happen. Now stop crying i promise when i get done it'll be just us and our family for a lil while" i said before hangging up i hate hearing her cry but recently shes just been a complete cry baby something she never was before it was the kids and her hormones i had to keep reminding myself

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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