8. The Ever-Lasting Stress; Raphael

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Song: Open Wounds - Skillet

I wake up at the crack of dawn. Or so I assume, since there aren't any windows in the little garage.

It's dark and smells of sleep. Everyone is packed together like sardines. Mikey's feet are next to my face, which I swat away. Leonardo is placed as far as he can get from everybody to make sure he recovers properly. April was sandwiched between Donatello and Casey. Casey had a protective arm around Charlotte, while Charlotte is a good distance away from Lucy. Lucy has her face snuggled into Lilac's fur while the dog snoozes peacefully.

I turn my head away from them. I know Casey isn't going to let us abandon the new girls, especially since they're the the only humans willing to hang around us anymore. Everyone else in New York despises us.

I'd normally appreciate her acceptance of us as well, if she didn't come off so prissy and overconfident. She has yet to thank any of us for taking her in, though that goes without saying between her and Casey.

I have to get out. I get up and carefully open the garage door. I slip into the chilly morning air and head to the back side of the structure. I lean against a wall and sit down, watching the sunrise.

I haven't seen something so breathtaking in a long time. Watching the pink sky slowly shift to light blue is just the therapy I need. I bid good-bye to my short temper; for a little bit, at least.

It gives me time to think about the recent events. Mr. O'Neil is afraid of us, so he kicked us out. We have no home. Master Splinter is dead. Leonardo isn't acting right. And now we have two pains in the tail and a dog following us around.

To sum it up, life sucks.

However, I notice that my leg feels a lot better. The burn doesn't sting so bad, though my skin is charred and gross.

The peace and quiet is ruined by Lucy's appearance. She takes a seat beside me, distracting me from my thoughts. The underneath of her eyes are puffy from just waking up, but her eyes glow with more positivity than ever.

"What do you want?" I grumble, but I not as sharp as usual. I still feel like I'm surrounded by a soothing cloud.

Lucy hesitates. "I just wanted to apologize," she finally explains. "I didn't mean to come off as rude when we met yesterday. It's just that I've been watching after Char for a long time and I know all the things she's been through. I thought maybe you all were going to take her away from me."

I give her a weird look. "You weren't rude," I reply, a bit confused.

Lucy looks relieved. "Oh, good," she sighs with relief. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure that you weren't upset with me over anything. Sometimes, I hurt feelings and I honestly don't mean to. And sorry, I know I'm talking too much." Seeming a bit flustered, she looks upward to hide her expression.

Once again, her personality confuses me. "You apologize way too much," I point out irritably. Lucy might be even more annoying than Charlotte at this rate. "And don't apologize for that, either," I interrupt as she opens her mouth again.

Lucy immediately shuts her mouth and returns to gazing up.

Several minutes pass, filled with no conversation. Maybe I should seize this chance to interrogate her some more, to find out how she knows Charlotte in the first place. She also claimed that Charlotte has been through some things. I can only assume that means something bad, and it might give me an advantage to ask about it.

Unfortunately, I can't find the will power to do so. Instead, I sit in complete silence, wishing Lucy would just leave me alone.

Lucy seems to grow tired of not talking. "She's not a bad person, you know," she says, obviously referring to Charlotte. "She's just broken. She... She has a reason for how she is," she explains, as if she's stopping herself from saying more.

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