Three words

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You always come home late,
You never said goodbye.
Then I thought this was fate,
When your words were a lie.

Naruto's POV

"Naruto, I'm going to be home quite late. I have extra work to do thanks to Itachi. So don't wait up for me." Sasuke informed me.

"Okay Teme!" I heard Sasuke grunt in discomfort of me using his pet name from me. "Stay safe, I love you!"

"Me too." With that, he ended the call.

My chest hurt. Sasuke changed, we've been dating for almost five years now, and lately, for the past three months, he had been coming home late and smelling of expensive perfume. Sasuke doesn't say 'I love you' anymore, he doesn't cuddle with me anymore, we don't make love anymore, and he doesn't even call me dobe anymore. He even missed my birthday last year!

I sighed as I sat down on the plush couch in our huge living room. I'm pretty sure that bastard is cheating, probably with a woman that is better than me. I'm not even surprised, I mean, I wasn't born in a popular family like Sasuke's wealthy friends, my parents died in an unfortunate accident, my brother hates me and blames me for everything, and I have mental illnesses that just recently got better. I'm probably lucky enough just to be a foot close to him.

Could be Ino that he's cheating on me with? No, Ino has Shikamaru. How about Karin? Probably not. Sakura? Probably.

That woman is so pretty that it hurts me to admit it. She's a model on a famous magazine, modeled for Chanel, and so much more. Her family are individuals born with talents flowing through their blood, and furthermore, she's rich. Filthy rich.

It's not even a surprise that Sasuke will cheat on me with Sakura, since Sakura liked Sasuke for a long time, and Sasuke know it.

Sakura is not a freak who has mental illnesses like me, she's not fat and short like me, and she doesn't have stupid fucking whisker-like scars on her pale face!

I fucking hate myself. If I didn't tell my parents to come home early, they wouldn't be involved in that car crash. If I didn't cause my parents' death, Kurama, my older brother, wouldn't hate me. If I wasn't born, this wouldn't have happened.

If only I wasn't born...

* * *

Sasuke's POV

After ending the call with Naruto, I glanced to Sakura who was listening to me and Naruto talking.

"Who were you talking to?" Came Sakura's high-pitch voice.

"You know, my cleaner." I lied, I don't want Sakura to know I was actually talking to the lover I was definitely uninterested in currently.

"Ah, I see." I put my arm around Sakura's thin shoulders. Personally, I like someone thin, I don't like chubby people, that's probably one reason I don't like that blonde idiot.

That idiot probably believes I'm working so hard right now. Little does he know I'm actually having the time of my life without him.

Sakura leans into my chest, looking up at me with her eyes, her beautiful emerald ones, although they don't make my heard thud like Naruto's cerulean ones.

I kiss her forehead, making her blush.

"Ne, Sasuke-Kun, why don't you move in with me?" My beautiful lover asks. "It'll be more convenient, don't you think?"

"Yes, I agree." I nodded. "I'll move in soon, give me two weeks." She nods at my response.

"Sasuke, it's getting boring."

"Let's do it then, shall we?" She nodded, and o proceeded to remove her expensive clothing.

* * *

Naruto's POV

It's morning, and I am currently waiting for Sasuke to return home. It's nine in the fucking morning, he still haven't reached home.

I don't prepare breakfast, lunch, or dinner for him anymore since he once said my meals were 'too bland' and I learnt not to one month ago. Since I don't make him meals anymore, I don't really have an appetite anymore too. My sadness ruins my appetite when I think of him.

I hum as I tap my fingers against the kitchen counter, obviously bored. I hear keys juggle and I perk up. I stayed in the kitchen and heard Sasuke mutter a quiet, "I'm home."

"Welcome back!" I shouted back at him.

He walked under the kitchen's door frame and signaled me to follow him. He lead me to our bedroom and he sat down with a sigh.

Then I heard the words I never want to hear.








"Let's break up."

It took three words to make my heart thump, it also took three words to make my heart break.

* * *

I got a new idea so I was like I'm gonna publish it!

Then boom! Hope you guys like this chapter and how's it going so far!

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