I Know

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You walked out of the door,
And you never looked me in the face.
Pieces of my heart fell on the cold floor,
As I know your eyes will never meet my gaze.

"Let's break up."

I stared at Sasuke, my face probably looks horrified at his words. That's what I felt, horrified. Why would he suddenly leave me?

"W-What?" I stuttered out, this was so sudden, I don't like it at all.

"Naruto, I know you heard me." Sasuke rolled his onyx eyes. "You know I hate repeating what I say."

"B-But why? We were doing so well! We were-"

"We weren't doing so well." Sasuke pointed out, cutting me off. I stay quiet, I didn't know what to say. Sasuke sighed at my silence.

"Look Naruto, I found someone I love. I truly, truly love." I could feel tears pooling in my eyes.

"W-Who is it?" I wanted to know, I needed to know.

"It doesn't matter who it is."

"What about me?" I choked on my saliva, endless tears streaming down my scarred face. Sasuke shrugged at my question.

"I-I love you!" I blurted out, shamelessly. Sasuke looked taken back from my outburst.

"I know." Why was Sasuke's responses so simple, did he really not feel anything from the time we spent together as we were lovers for five years?

"Then why?" I whispered softly. "I-Is it because I'm not good enough? Is it because I wasn't born in a wealthy family? Is it because I killed my parents? I-Is it because, I'm a monster?"


"Then why?!"

"Goddamnit you idiot!" Sasuke shouted. His eyes screamed out that he was feeling annoyed. "If you really did love me, let me go!"

I felt completely at loss right now. Let Sasuke go? That thought never crossed my mind for the past five years when we were dating.

"L-Let you go?"

"Yes, let me be with the one I love." Sasuke spat out coldly, as if his heart was opposing his idea like I was.

I stayed quiet, I knew if I spoke more my feelings would spiral out of control.

"I know it may be hard for you." That bastard has no idea how hard is it for me to let him go, he is my everything. He is the one who saved me from my void of darkness, he is the only reason why I haven't had a relapse for the past three years, and he was my happiness.

My only happiness.

"I decided that I would let you stay here, I payed the bills for the next three months so you don't have anything to worry about. I'll have my workers take my things from here next Saturday." Sasuke continues, probably not caring about my feelings.

"Why?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes and one of his eyebrows were raised.

"Why what?" That cold bastard.

"Why would you leave me so suddenly? Why would you suddenly love someone? What about the feelings we had for five years?" I cried out, fat tears flowing down my face.

"That is for my own personal business, you don't need to know." Sasuke informed me, no emotion in his words. "And only you held those feelings for me for five years, I lost my interest in you one year ago."

I could tell he was lying, his eyes practically sold off his act.

"What will your parents think?" I know Sasuke's parents love me like I was their own, so I'm pretty sure they will be sad.

"I'm pretty sure they'll be happy," Sasuke started. "After all, they always wanted a heir."

I froze at his words. I don't have a comeback, after all, it's true that Sasuke's parents wanted a heir. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Before I knew it, Sasuke was outside the door, letting the sunshine I despise so much glare down on me. I hated the sun, it's like a taunting figure who reminds me that I'll never escape the darkness.

"Thanks for understanding, Naruto." I snap to the direction of Sasuke's face and see a smirk plastered on Sasuke's face as soon as he said that, but at the same time he looks... Conflicted?

"No! SAS-" I was cut of by the sound of Sasuke slamming the door.

I could hear Sasuke putting on his expensive leather shoes, yet I didn't make a move to stop him.

I could hear him opening his sleek car and start the engine, yet I didn't try to stop him.

I could hear his car and him getting farther away from me, yet I didn't stop him at first.

Tears trickled down my face, why won't my legs move? Why didn't I stop him? Everything is so overwhelming, my head is spinning.

"Sasuke..." I muttered. "Why..."

You gave me one last look,
You have me one last goodbye.
Why are my feelings open like a book,
Maybe it's because I'm just a guy.

* * *


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