It Hurts

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SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE FOR SO LONG, THANKS TO @Deathfantasy4749 that kept on reminding me!

QOTD: DO YOU HAVE ANNOYING FRIENDS THAT ARE SPOILT? IF YOU DO, TELL ME AND HOW SPOILT THEY ARE! (I have this weird thing where I like to watch/read about spoilt people.)

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Hateful names,
Hateful words.
Learnt that life is full of games,
They don't know it hurts.

Naruto's POV

"K-Kyuubi?" I muttered out, why is my brother that hates every fiber of me here?

Am I dreaming?

"HOW DARE YOU!" My older brother's booming voice snapped me back to reality. What is he talking about?

"How dare you laze around while your lover is missing?" The word lover hit me hard, since I'm no longer involved in his life, but they don't need to know that.

"What do you mean?" I asked Kyuubi, careful not to stutter.

"Don't pretend to be the innocent one," Kyuubi snarled at me. "We all won't fall for your petty tricks nor lies!"

"Petty tricks?"

"You know what I mean." He said with finality, but under his breath I heard him mutter, "Monster".

"Now," My brother glared at me. "Answer me why aren't you finding for your missing beloved."

Wait, does he mean that Sasuke is missing?

"S-Sasuke is missing?" I asked, just to be sure.

"See," Kyuubi turned to Itachi who was beside him. "He's so stupid, he doesn't understand anything."

Itachi doesn't answer, he just gave me a look, a pained one.

"And to answer your stupid question, yes, Sasuke is missing."

"W-What?" The information the redhead gave me surprised me, Sasuke, is missing?

"Did I stutter?"


"Then don't ask stupid questions." I could literally feel Kyuubi rolling his crimson eyes,

"When?" I asked.

"Earlier today."


"God, you're awfully annoying today aren't you." Kyuubi leaned to the opened door. "Somewhere near that pinkette's house."

"I-I see..."

So the car I saw earlier was Sasuke's? So when Sakura was screaming about her husband she was referring to Sasuke. So Sasuke was cheating on me with Sakura?

"You better find him, I have a lot of things to do, and so does Itachi. Since all you do is laze around, find him and take responsibility. Unlike last time." If looks could kill, I would be dead by now.

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