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"Swit, swoow" I hear a whistle behind me, I smile to myself and turn to see a smirking Robin, "Don't you look lovely" he smirks as he looks over the dress Miss Heliotrope forced me onto,

"Don't look so bad yourself" I reply, crossing my arms. I wasn't lying though, he wears a black blazer, a black shirt with white buttons, a pair of black trousers and smart shoes all topped off with his signature bowler hat (of cause), gotta love a man in a suit. "What are you doing here anyway, you're meant to be with the men" I question with a raised brow,

"I brought you something" he says as he walks closer to me, my stomach fills with butterfly's and a grin makes its way onto my face, "It's nothing much, I just thought it would look good on you" he mumbles as he holds out a small white box,

"I'm sure it'll be amazing" I grin, standing on tippy toes then kissing him on the cheek, making his face get red. I open the lid and grin down into the box, in it sits a beautiful bronze ring with a peal in the centre. "Robin, this is so beautiful" I say feeling touched, he had clearly put a lot of thought into this,

"Just like you then" he smirks, pulling me into a hug. He takes the ring out of the box and puts it onto my finger, "This ring means we'll get married on day, not now, but one day, when we have money when we're older, and you'll look just and gorgeous as you do right now" he explains as he examines the way it looks on my hand, I resit the urge to cry he really is the perfect boy,

"Sounds like a deal-" I smile at him, "-Now get out of here" I shoo him making him chuckle,

"See you down the isle" he promises then jogs in the opposite direction, I wait for him to be out of sight before turning and re-entering the tepee.

Loveday sits in a chair while women from the De'noir clan fix her hair and touch up her already flawless face with make up. I feel warm inside as I look around and see all the women and children in the matching colour of pale blue, a colour I had no choose about but I must admit it really does look good. The white and blue bokays lay in a heap on the table, waiting for a brides to collect them. The last minute decorations waiting to be put into place but n fear that they'll put them I the wrong place and the crazy bride will go ape shit on them, no one has dared to so much as mentioned them.

"Blake, dear-" Miss Heliotrope calls to me, I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I see the London style skirt she still insists on wearing, even after I had begged her to stop, "- Come along, we need to sort out your hair" she continues, dragging me to a chair.

For what felt like forever later, I was done. My hair curled into perfect ringlets, my make up done to perfection and my corset tightened to almost unbearable sizes and my nails filed and painted a baby blue colour. I would never usually let this happen but it's not my day, so I'll keep my mouth shut....also Loveday scares me.

"Show time ladies" the wedding planner calls over the kerfuffle, everyone (minus a group of giggling children) start to file out of the tepee. I clutch my bowkay and vow to myself I will not cry, I'm not a baby, I will not cry.

The organ starts to play, not completely blocking out the sound of the waves gushing calmly. I don't know how I feel about Loveday having her wedding on the very cliff we all almost died only four mouths ago, the place where the curse was made in the first place. But she insisted it was perfect, beautiful, close to nature and tradition. 

Bridesmaids and flower girls walk in one by one, stepping in time to the music. The bridesmaids blubbering as they stand next to  the alter and the flower girls grinning at people in the chairs while tossing flower petals on the blue run way. All the men standing at the alter faces brighten as the women they love enters, some just managing not to cry, And the family members and friends sat on the wooden chairs dab at their tears with handkerchiefs, or watch closely as if trying to take in every little detail Loveday spent so long making sure looks perfect.

Before I know, I'm being pushed towards the carpet. I walk behind a group of children, making me smile as they giggle and grin in the beating heat. I eventually risk looking at Robin, and as I do I instantly regret it. He looks at me with the look that I can only explain as 'the look', the one that makes me feel like the most beautiful living being on earth, the one that he only uses on special occasions, the one that makes me feel like a princess, the one my mum and dad would share when I was little, the one that make me feel loved. Tears prick up in the corners of my eyes as my smile grows.


I manage to pull myself together before the party/ celebration, at De'noir castle. Me and Robin aren't in the castle though, he pulled me away form the open buffet and outside. We lay on the cool grass and joke around with each other, him teasing me about my almost cry during marriage ceremony.

"So you aren't going to cry when we get marred?" I ask with a grin,

"Nope" he smirks as he looks up at the sky,

"Oh really?" I ask,

"Really." he conforms confidently,

"Not even a little bit?" I ask, using my fingers as a scale of smallness,

"No, I'm a man. I never cry" he states proudly,

"Sure you don't" I roll my eyes,

"ROBIN" someone calls, worry clear in their voice. Robin sits bolt up, pushing me off his shoulder as he does so,

"What is it Matt?" Robin asks concerned, as I sit up next to him rubbing my head,

"The Picadura family are here and they're not amused."                               

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