Ch. XI

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"Yah Ravi! Wake up!" N's voice was ringing through the whole dorm as he struggled to wake up the sleeping beauty. Leo groaned as he got up from his voice and looked down to see Hongbin still asleep. Leo was a light sleeper but Hongbin wasn't so much of a light sleeper.

"Binnie, wake up, before N comes with his annoying nagging." Leo whispered, lightly shaking Hongbin who just turned to the other side mumbling something. As N's voice got louder, Leo's urgency to wake Hongbin up increased, he found N rather annoying and didn't want him to barge in.

"Okay okay I'm awake." Hongbin half yawned and half grumbled as he got up. He rubbed his eyes and and frowned, "what time is it?"

"7 A.M."

"Ah, no wonder. Still too early, N hyung is crazy. Let me go back to sleep." Hongbin whined as he let himself fall back onto the bed.

"Just get up, if not I'll have to-"

"Have to what?"

"Just get up."

"No." Hongbin said finally before closing his eyes. Leo then sighed before lifting Hongbin in his arms swiftly in one move and slung him over his shoulder.

"TAEKWOON PUT ME DOWN!" Hongbin yelled as he struggled.

"You asked for it," Leo said finally and opened the door to see N about to enter their room.

"We're awake, what do you want?" Leo mumbled.

"Guess I don't need to wake you guys up then," N grinned and stepped aside to let Leo pass through with Hongbin's mumbling curses at Leo's back. Leo finally put Hongbin down onto the couch who glared at him and everyone else, Hongbin was grumpy and he didn't like what just happened. Leo enjoyed Hongbin's reaction but it'd have been better I'd he saw his face but too bad, he silently laughed as Hongbin sulked and sat at the other end of the couch. He slid himself across Hongbin's end who turned his back at him. Leo, fairly amused with Hongbin's reaction wrapped his arm around Hongbin's waist and pulled him to rest against his chest before Hongbin could react. Hongbin was still sleepy so was rather slow in reaction.

"I'm sorry baby," Leo said fondly and kissed his hair. Hongbin then turned his head and nuzzled against his chest.

"It's too early," he whined again.

"I know," Leo tilted Hongbin's head up and leaned down to kiss him. Hongbin smiled against the kiss and kissed back.

"You're forgiven,"

"What a late response, I thought I was already forgiven before that," he mused.

"Nope, only now."

"Okay! Do you know why all are here earlier than usual?" N said in his loud voice as he finally dragged Ravi our of their room.

"To see out lovely fans," Ken slurred, he too was still sleepy.

"Uh....yeah, later on Music Bank, and I thought we should keep practicing to give our best."

"Are you saying we don't give our best?" Ken said, bewildered at that statement.

"Yeah, are you?" Hongbin hissed, very much irritated with that reason when he was to be waken up earlier than usual.

". . . . ." N said nothing.

"We already perfected our dance moves and everything. I don't really see a need to....." Hyuk talked off.

"Ravi, Ravi help me out here," N mumbled and turned to Ravi, but he was asleep, N started at the sleeping Ravi and promised himself he'd chop his neck later with his hand when he's awake. . . .as many times as he can.

"Ya! I just thought in case suddenly something happens onstage! You know things can happen unexpectedly like sudden stagefright." N explained, he was by himself.

"We'll so it an hour before our,  turn it's much more effective that way, now let us sleep," Hongbin negotiated, N's reason arranged quite reasonable but at the wrong timing.

"Well, okay." N agreed. The meeting ended and everyone went back to their rooms except Ravi who still slept there. Hyuk and Ken couldn't walk straight and kept bumping into each other, in the end, N had to just steer then back to their rooms before going back to his room.

"Without me, VIXX would be in chaos our probably sleep forever," N sighed he knew only one he could take in his responsibility.

"Are you satisfied now?" Leo said as Hongbin lifted his head from Leo's shoulder, Hongbin was trying to find support on Leo's body for his head.

"Quite satisfied," Hongbin smiled and as Leo got up, Hongbin stretched his arms out and gave his final deadly attack, his smile and dimple. "Carry me?"

"I thought you weren't happy with me caring you just now," Leo raised his eyebrow and Hongbin pouted, his request was rejected.

"Are you going to carry me or not? My arms are getting tired just hanging here." Hongbin raised his eyebrow as well, to poke fun of into Leo. Leo shook his head and smiled.

"Of course princess," and carried him brutal style. Hongbin glared at him.

"Princess?" He hissed.

Hongbin was never able to sleep even though he had the chance, Leo was teasing him the whole time but he finally managed to sleep on Leo's shoulder in the van when Leo stopped teasing him, thinking that he had done enough.

Poor Ravi didn't know why N was chopping his neck everywhere they went throughout the day whenever he thought N wasn't there, could he really help sleeping when he was tired?"


Okay guys how was that?
Hope you liked it, I wasn't able to update yesterday cause wattpad decided to delete the chapter everytime I press publish. So I had to uninstall and install wattpad to get it to work and it took me the whole day because apparently I have too many books in my library slowing down the process. I might update the next day or two.

So here's another chapter, don't forget to





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