Ch. IX

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Hongbin woke up to a foreign feeling on his head and touched it, it was warm and plastic, he slowly took it off and saw it was an icepack, he also felt a hand holding his and saw Leo was asleep.

"H-hyung?" Hongbin asked groggily. Leo woke up instantly and reached a hand out to stroke Hongbin's cheek.

"How are you feeling?" Leo asked, his voice full of concern.

"I feel really weak." Hongbin replied and used his other hand to rub his eyes.

"I'm sorry. . . " Leo said softly. Hongbin was confused.

"What, why?" Hongbin asked, slightly bewildered.

"I was suppose to know when you're about to get sick, I ignores all the symptoms of a possible flu." Leo confessed. Hongbin rolled his eyes.

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I told you it was a cold that'd go away in a few days but it was actually a flu." Hongbin pouted.

"But you know me. . . " Leo sighed.

"It's not your fault that I'm sick, so stop it." Hongbin pleaded.

"If you say so. . ."

"I don't like this feeling." Hongbin whines softly.

"What feeling?"

"Feeling so weak and unable to do anything." Leo moved to the bed and lied down next to him.

"Even if you could move, what do you intend to do?" Leo questioned.

"Anything but lie down in bed, cuddle with you maybe? But I can't even be near you, you might catch it too." Hongbin pouted again. Leo leaned in and pecked his lips.

"I don't care if I catch it, I want to hold you." With that said, Leo pulled Hongbin close to him.

"Don;t you have to go for dance practice?" Hongbin asked weakly.

"I told the others last night that I'd take care of you, they're okay with it."

"So I'll have the whole day with you?" Hongbin looked at Leo hopefully and Leo smiled, Hongbin was really adorable to him, or maybe he was just really happy that Hongbin just wanted to be with him.

"Yes Binnie, but you should rest." Hongbin grumbled at the last part.

"Would you be bored then?"

"Watching you sleep is never boring." Hongbin became bashful and hid his face into the pillow.

"That sounds like a stalker."

"I'm your boyfriend, that's a different story." Leo rolled his eyes and pestered Hongbin to sleep.

"But I can't sleep," Hongbin whined.

"How do I make you sleep?" Leo was slightly annoyed that Hongbin was stubborn, usually he was docile, to him.

"Sing me a song." Leo froze at that statement.

". . . ."

"Go on, sing." Hongbin repeated.

"What song do you want?"

"Any that comes to your mind." Hongbin said softly and rested his head against Leo's chest. Leo stroked Hongbin's cheek and gazed at him. Leo hesitated but when Hongbin gave his sweetest smile and that dimple, Leo couldn't resist but sing. He'd do anything for this guy, He sang "I Don't Want To Be An Idol" and Hongbin listened intently, smiling the whole time while listening, Leo chose this song because out ended off with the words "I love you" and it was slow, and it would have been the situation if Hongbin wasn't an idol too.

"...I love you" Leo ended off and saw Hongbin's sleeping face, even though he was sleeping already, he had a smile plastered on his face, the smile that Leo fell countless times for.


Sorry it took so long.... Mianhae

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