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"Please get out my face for a second.You're being way too annoying ." Marquise yelled at me .

"I'm the annoying one?", I yelled getting in his face, "Whatever, you go finish with your drug nonsense."

And with that I slammed his door and walked home.

It's been like this for maybe half of the three years Marquise and I have been together. In the beginning I didn't even want to be part of his drug dealing nonsense, but let me tell you he talks a good game . He was more gentle and caring towards me and my emotions. Now he's just out of control, yelling at me, telling me what to do, and a couple of times throwing his hands up. But I must make it known to everyone that I did at least try to fight back. And yeah, it may have made things worse but it also made him know I'm not a punk that's going to get beat on by no man. So we would fight for hours just hitting and yelling and in the end I stormed out. But in the real end he would end up texting me saying he's sorry and I know that he loves me and he's just stressed out. And I take it cause I promised to be a ride or die girlfriend, and for three years I have been.

My name is Isis Alexandria Barkley. I was born in Dominican Republic, which I find weird because my dad is black and Trinidadian. We came to America when I was around three years old and I'm now 17. I've grown accustomed to "American" ways, some things are somewhat different in my home country. Marquise and I met when I was a freshman in high school. It was all really bittersweet, he was a drug dealer big in the game and I was .... ME.

I walked home groggily, worn out, tired of dealing with this. I was two blocks away from home when my phone vibrated, I gladly ignored it because I already knew who it was. I walked into the house to find my mom and dad cuddled up on the couch, watching tv. I smiled and said hi to them.

"Marquise house?" My mom asked.

"Unfortunately." I sighed and began walking up the stairs.

My parents know how much we argued and my dad dislikes it, making him dislike Marquise. The only thing is they don't know what his job is and how we physically fight. If they knew they would ship me so far away from him I would forget who he was just on the plane ride away.

Just as I was about to step in the shower my phone began to vibrate frantically, signaling someone was calling. I picked up with an attitude without looking at the caller ID; I knew who it was.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Why you picking up the phone like that?" He asked, and he sounded so tired. I almost felt bad.

"Marquise, I left your house to get away from the arguing. Not to continue on the phone." I sighed.

"I know I know. Just listen." I stayed quiet indicating I was. "Listen, you know I'm just really stressed and tired. It's something really big going on in the game right now and family and loved ones getting involved. I don't want to see my girl go six feet under."

"So instead of yelling and raising hands, just talk to me."

"I know, I'm sorry. Come back please, I'm hungry." He said laughing. That's the Marquise I fell in love with.

"Can't , just order in. Kay? I'm tired goodnight. "

Right before I hung up he said my name, "I love you."

"I love you too."

But I really wanted to say , do you really ?

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