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It was the end of the school day and I had to walk home . Although I tried and tried and let me say I tried , giving Marquise the car back he just wouldn't take it . But today it's in the shop so I'll be getting a little break from it . I went to my locker and was getting my stuff out when Neveah came and tapped my locker .

"Hey girl." I said not looking at her but smiling .

"Hey , how's the car ?"

"In the shop today , but I'll probably get it tomorrow before school or after school today ."

"How you getting home ?"

"Some exercise I guess." I laughed and closed my locker .

She laughed too , " Well I would bring you but I got some tutoring with a fine boy . So call me when you get home."

I nodded and we kissed on the cheek and went our separate ways . Although school just ended everybody was already out the building , it must be a fight or something . And I guessed right because when I walked outside everybody was out there . I looked around trying to find the fight and saw Marquise leaning on his white BMW with his boys talking . I tried not to let him see me but he saw me walking .

From the corner of my eye I saw him dap his boys up and hop in his car . I was already a little bit past the school so when I heard a BMW slowly driving by me with tinted windows I knew who it was . He put the window down a little to talk to me.

"You gave away the car?" He asked and I stopped walking and he stopped driving.

"It's in the shop for its monthly appointment ." I replied looking around .

"Hop in , I'll take you home ma."

"Nah , I'm good . I need some exercise."

"Just hop in , I know your hungry cause I remember you dont eat the school lunch ," he said and I smiled. "So come on and I'll take you to a diner ."

I hesitated for a moment thinking of how cute it was that he remembered that . But Marquise was right and eventually I finally gave in cause I was tired already . I'm to lazy to be walking all the way home .

We drove in silence as he kept glancing back and forth at me and the road just smiling . It was creepy but I smiled back a few times . I texted Neveah saying he picked me up and she sent me the smirking emoji , hate her . I laughed at the message and Marquise gave me a confused look , probably thought I was texting a boy .

After a while we finally arrived at the diner , the same diner where he talked to that Monishiquita looking girl . I rolled my eyes as I saw her at her same position . She smiled as she saw Marquise come in but he just grabbed my hand and looked at me .

"Get me and my girl a booth for two please." he said and her smile slowly faded .

As she got our menus and walked us to our table I whispered in Marquise ear , " I'm not your girl . You should've did this when I was ."

He just looked at me and continued walking to the booth . When we got to the booth Marquise ordered our drinks and appetizers , I was starving . There was this awkward silence as we waited for our appetizers to come out . When it did .... Let's just say I shut it down . Marquise started laughing at me as I dipped my mozzarella stick in the sauce . I looked up at him .

"What's so funny?" I asked with my mouth full .

He just smiled and reached across the table to wipe some food off the corner of my mouth , " Nothing , I really miss you . Your laugh , the way you eat , your smile , just everything. "

Here he goes with all that mushy gooshy stuff again . It always made the conversation awkward . So it was silent until out food came out again . I was sipping on my noodles when he decided to talk again .

"That De'Andre kid after me . Got some boys in the street just waiting for me to slip up ." I dropped my fork and looked up at him .

"I thought he was out of the game ." I asked .

"He was ,but heard ol' boy liked you so much that when he saw me in the picture he decided it was time to wipe me out ." He started chuckling.

"This isn't funny Marquise . You could get killed now ."

"Eh , it's nothin . It's not like I wasn't almost getting killed before , right ? "

I sighed , " I mean I guess"

He looked up at me and smiled a sad smile , "I'm just trying to keep my promise ."

"And what's that ? "

" To make sure we got enough money and then I'll drop out. I promised and I'm going to keep it . Weather we together or not ."

I just looked up at him without saying anything . Then dropped my eyes back to my food , " I love you , Isis." He said .

I silently whispered , "I love you too."

And we continued eating in a now comfortable silence . This gets harder and harder every time I see him .

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