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Its been almost two months since the dream I had and my first day of work. Life has just been going really slow, I cant deal. Im still lonely in this house with nothing to do and noone to talk to. I have told my friends how much Im lonely, so today they decided to bring me to the park.

I decided to just throw on some black leggins, a black crop top, and duh my bred 11's. I went to the bathroom and started wetting my hair so it can get curly, just the way I like it.

I got in my car and made my way to the park. I got out and spotted Jazmine sitting on a bench.

"Hey love." I said as I hugged and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey beautiful." She responded.

"Where's Winter?" I asked.

"She's on her way, I wished she'd hurry up, I have something to tell y'all." Jazmine said.

"Girl, what?" I said.

"Just be patient, I'll say when she gets here."

I gave her a weird look, "Well, since your not going to say your news; I'm lonely. Like I have no one in my house and I am alone."

"Didn't we talk about a dog or something?"

"Yeah but nobody wants to come with me to buy one." I said laughing.

"Ite, we can go like tomorrow."

We finished talking about all our things and how's life, even though we talk everyday. After like twenty five minutes, as usual, Winter finally came. I looked at her cause she just came in so calm like we hadn't been waiting in this hot park for almost half an hour. I rolled my eyes at her as she came and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm here guys!!" She said laughing.

Jazmine and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Anyway, one day I was at the gym and a man came up to me-" Jazmine started but Winter interrupted her.

"How is this news, this happens everytime THOT."

I started laughing at this joke but Jazmine didn't find it to funny.

"Shut up. Basically, long story short, the man asked me to do a photo shoot for his brand and I said I would do it if you two would and he said okay." She said mad fast.

I opened my mouth in shock, this was exciting news. "Really?! You just said it like it doesn't matter."

She just shrugged her shoulders and we all laughed and talked about how much fun this is going to be.

Later that day when I got home, I found a letter on my front porch from Marquise. I smiled and walked into my house opening the envelope.

The letter contained everything that Marquise was doing; he was fine, still hiding, but would come out soon. It was the same ol crap everyday I swear. I just wished he would come home, I really missed him.

I felt a few tears run down my face as I realized all the stuff I was missing from him. I felt like I needed love and attention from a guy, and I immediately knew at that moment that maybe I should stop waiting and start dating. Yes, as soon as he comes back I'll be here ready but for right now I need to worry about my own well being. Yes, I'll still write him letters but I won't tell him about the boy.

I thought long and hard about it, I would go through with it. I just hope he doesn't find out, he'll send his whole squad just to come kill that boy. I got to be low key, don't need anybody dieing cause of me.

The next day I woke up super tired but early enough because today I was going dog shopping! I was so excited and last night I looked up which dogs I would want and decided on a Siberian husky. I know I was kind of short and with that big ol dog I would look shorter, but I really loved how they looked and their eyes.

I went to go pick up Jazmine and Winter because they would help me to pick which one I wanted and bring him home. I definitely wanted to buy him at a baby age, so that I can basically raise him.

When we got to the store and short, chubby, middle-aged lady immediately came to help us.

"Morning gals, how may I help you guys."

I decided to speak up since it was goin to be my dog, "Hi, I'm looking for a baby Siberian Husky."

She smiled a bright smile, "Love those dogs and we definitely have one just for you."

I smiled and looked at the girls and she turned around and we started to follow her.

She brought us to a clear glass where inside was a baby Husky sleeping on his side. He was so cute I could eat him. She went behind the door and woke him up and his eyes were gray. I was immediately in love and knew I had to buy him with no hesitation.

The lady brought the dog out and brought us into a little play pen to get to know him while she told us some facts about him.

"This dog is a five month old baby boy, he is the middle child of a seven dog litter. The mother reproduces a lot so giving up her children is not a problem," she said laughing. "He doesn't have a name yet so you can name him if you do decide to get him and he runs for $1,500."

What do you honestly think I did for that price?

I bought him! I also brought him some clothes while we were there, food, brush, shampoo, and everything a dog needed. I decided I was going to name him Dozer because he slept a lot.

When I got home Jazmine and Winter helped me set up all his stuff and as usual, Dozer was dozed off. I picked him up and decided to play with him a little and show him around. Winter thought I was crazy talking to him but I didn't care, he was basically my son now.

That night after everyone left and Dozer was bathed and tucked in, I decided to write Marquise back and tell him about me new dog. I knew he would love him when he came back. When I was finished with the letter I went to sleep, I would give it to Marquise's friend whenever he came back to give to him.

Then I dozed off to sleep with Dozer right on the next pillow, I love my little baby already.

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