Facing the past

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Maya's Pov:

Riley invited me over to her house

Her parents are out of town with auggie so she invited a couple of friends over

She told me I could bring Arabella so I did

I wore some tight jeans with a Red top

And some wedges

I applied red lip stick and mascara

I then woke up Arabella from her nap and got her dressed

And purple onesie that says cupcake with a white skirt

And a cute head band

I grabbed my phone, keys, and baby bag and headed out


I arrived at Riley's

And Farkle was there

And Darby

And Sarah

And Zay

Even smackle





Not him

I stared at him and he stared at me

He looked at the baby in my hands and looked shocked

I felt tears in my eyes

Then looked at Riley with anger

I ran to her room

With Arabella in my arms

I placed her in her play pen

Riley had one in her room

And I went to a corner and cried

I'm such a pathetic mother

That's my daughter over there

And instead of being to brave women I used to be

I'm being a coward mother

I stand up

Wiped my tears

Grabbed Arabella

And walked out

I guess I have to face my past

Everyone was staring at us

"Riley can I speak to you for a second"

She nodded

I hand Arabella to Darby who was near the front entrance

And me and Riley headed to the hallway

"RILEY ELENA MATTHEWS why did you invite him"

I whisper yell

"You need to deal with this Maya"

She then shoved me in her room

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