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My eyes widen

And my heart was going 100 miles and hour

"I swear to god Lucas fucking friar if your just messing with me"

He chuckles softly

"Well I'm not and I know we're young hell I just started going to college and you did too you also have your job and hell we have Arabella I know we're 18 but damn I can't lose you again Maya I love you so much"

I looked into his eyes


I whispered

I can tell he heard me

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red box

I teared up

He opened it and slid the ring on my finger

Then kissed it

Then he attacked my lips

I kissed back and our lips moved in sync

My hands went to the hem of his shirt and pulled it of

I took in the sight and bit my lip

Well damn

He smiled and did the same to my oversized t shirt

Lucky for him I was wearing a bra under

And the night went on

(I got to lazy to finish bleh)

I woke up with strong arms wrapped around me

I smiled and snuggled with him

After a while I decided to check the time

I reached out for my phone

It was 9:34

In the morning


Wait what day is it
When I check my calendar


I yell

Lucas quickly wakes up

"What happened"

He says in alarm

"I have work at 10am"

I got out of bed and went got my uniform and went to the bathroom

After a while I got out

"Here go pick up Arabella I miss my baby"

Lucas laughs

"Me too well I'm gonna take a quick shower"

He says

I go downstairs and make some breakfast

After a while I open the door to get out of here



I said alarmed

"Maya I was just about to knock hi"

"Hey what are you doing here"

"I wanted to talk to you but I saw Lucas's Car out front so he is probably with Arabella inside I'll leave"

"No no Arabella is at his moms He just...stayed the night"


"Oh well um I'll talk to you after work then"

She said then left

I sighed and went to my car and off to work


When I was finally off of work I called Lucas to tell him Riley wanted to talk

He is at home with Arabella and said its fine

I sighed Riley wanted to meet in Planet Smoothie so I waited for her there

"Hey Maya"

She says

"Riley Hi so what did you wanna talk about"

She sighed

"Lucas talked to me and was pretty clear he felt nothing for me like we got way to much in common"

(Since I'm being honest with you who wants to love somebody like me you want to love somebody like me if you could love somebody like me you must be messed up too LMAOOO Alicia Keys is my Babe)

"But this isn't some crush Maya and I'm not gonna do the same mistake I did last time no this time I'm gonna be 100% honest I love this friendship so much maya I can't break it again so I'm gonna come out with it"

I sit there listening

"Ok so I still am very madly in love with Lucas and I don't like when your with him I know that's selfish and Cruel but it's how I feel and We need to feel what we feel peaches"

"Riley I haven't been completely honest either last night Lucas proposed and I said yes Then we slept together God Riley I'm so happy and if you give a single damn about me you would move on"

Riley looked like her whole world came crashing down

(Well good bitch)

"Oh I didn't see the ring"

I showed her the ring and she smiled

"Very well if you live Lucas and he loves you then I'll step back I'm sorry Maya I love you"

I smiled

"I love you too riles"

I we hugged

"Well I must be off then"

We waved good bye and I left


Hi like well I made at least one chapter happy Hahahaha I was gonna put the Lucas got into a car accident and Arabella died like fr but then I was like nahhhhhhhh I'll be killed so I'm not gonna do that don't worry I Arabella won't get hurt

Kk byeeeeeeeeeeee

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