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Lucas's Pov:

"Riley.....was pregnant"

Maya nods slowly

I don't know how to feel

I don't know if I should feel mad  or Glad or sad I'm so lost

"Lucas I'm so so so sorry I didn't tell you sooner Riley just Wanted to forget about it I mean she was on her way to go abort the baby and she got in the accident an-"

Mayas Pov:

Lucas shushes me softly
And grabs my arms

"Maya none of this was your fault it was your secret it was rileys and she had plenty of opportunities to tell me but she didn't"

I look into Lucas's beautiful green eyes

"I'm sorry you lost your child Lucas"

I say quietly

He nods and sighs

Resting his hand on my thigh

"Honestly I don't know how to feel about this"

"And that's totally normal but you have to talk to Riley about this"

He nods

"Yea I should go kiss Arabella for me"

He says as he kisses my cheek and leaves

I still feel the sparks flying

They never left

God I'm so Screwed


Riley's Pov:

"Mom when are you and dad coming back from Pennsylvania with auggie"

I said through the phone

"Yea ok bye"

I hung up

Maya texted me saying she told Lucas

Thank god

I hear 4 loud knocks

I sighed

This is gonna be ugly

"Lucas hello"

I say as calmly as I can

"Hello that's all you have to say Riley Why didn't you TELL ME A SIMPLE PHONE CALL WOULD'VE BEEN NICE"

"Why should I was gonna kill the child anyway"

He looked hurt by what I said

"Lucas I was doing the best choice I had Maya was already pregnant we had a terrible fight when she found out and I did the one thing to save our friendship Maya tried stopping me but I didn't listen to her"

I still can't believe this is the same Riley I thought I loved in middle school

"Really I still can't believe Riley Matthews the bunny and sunshine girl wanted to MURDER A CHILD"

I felt my eyes water

"Oh please Lucas I just made our lives less complicated"

"Yea ok whatever helps you sleep at night Riley you know what hurt the most is that I had to hear the words from Maya not you"

He was about to leave when

"Lucas wait"

He stopped and turned around

Waiting for me to continue

"Lucas I still love you after everything I still love you and I know you fell something for me"

Maybe there is still hope

"Ya Riley I finally get you, you don't love me you love the idea of me you like the idea of someone like me but you don't truly love me I'm your fantasy"

(What Lucas should've said in girl meets ski lodge part 2 @aubree)

I kinda understood what Lucas was saying but

It still hurt

"But Lucas-"

"What about Maya Riley did you forget about her... Again"

I gasped

I forgot

God I'm such a bad friend

"You still love her don't you"

I said

"Of course Riley I never stopped"

I guess I can't stop true love

(Yea you can't bye Felicia)

"Then tell her Lucas if you love her then kiss her show her you care"

He smiled

"Thank you for understanding Riley you've been a good friend"


"Now leave Lucas"

And with that he left

There I updated Aubree happy

Lol tell me your thoughts

And like yeah oh

Read my new story called

Hard to get

If you haven't already

It's some good shit

Kk byer

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