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I walked to the refrigerator and got out the drinks

Ok so maybe I'm a little jealous that Riley has feelings for Lucas

And no she didn't tell me

And she probably doesn't know herself but

She does
She does because that's the way I look at him

I mean used to

Used to look at him


"Riley Hey Riley"

I say

"Um what"

"Bay window Bay window right now"

I tell her

She stopped doing what she was doing And followed me to her room

We sat down

This place hasn't changed

"Riley I want you to be honest with me"

She nods

"Do you have feelings for Lucas, the father of my baby Lucas"

"What....  No I No"

I could tell she was lying

"Your lying"

"Ok so maybe a teny tiny"

I sighed

"Whatever Riley"

I got up from the bay window

But Riley quickly said sometime

"Do you still love him Maya"

I thought about it

"I love him as the father of my child"

We both knew I was lying

But I can't risk him hurting me again

I can do that to myself

I need to shield my heart

I walked over to the living room and sat down next to Lucas

Holding a pretty tired Arabella

Then Riley walked out of her room

"Hey we need some paper towels I'm gonna go get some be right back"

With that she left

And it was just the three of us

"Here baby are you tired"

I say in my baby voice to Arabella

I took her from Lucas and placed her on my boob so she could sleep

She loves sleeping on my boob
It's like her pillow

I look over at Lucas and he's grinning like a goof

"What's got you happy"

I tell him

"I've never been more in love with someone as I do right now"

I smiled

He was looking at Arabella

I handed him over the sleeping baby

He put her head on his shoulder and and with one hand he gently hold her head

With the other on her back

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