We were so close to I do

364 17 14

Remember this day folks it's the day I'm murdered By Aubree if they can't find my body make sure to tell the police To Write her as the number one Suspect

I woke up excited for my wedding day

With a huge smile on my face

Riley and Topanga were sleeping over

Arabella was with Lucas's mom

And Lucas was at Farkles place

I got up and took a shower

Riley and Topangas came in and did my hair and make up

I slipped on my wedding gown

And Riley had her maid of honor Gown

And Topanga had hers

We ate and Topanga Drove us to the ceremony

Where I was greeted by Lucas's mom and my baby

"Hey Arabella"

She smiled in her cute flower girl dress

"Where's Lucas"

I asked as I was holding Arabella

"Oh farkle said Lucas was driving himself here since Farkle had to go pick up the Limo"

Riley said

I nodded
And kept playing With Arabella

30 minutes past and still no sign of Lucas

The ceremony started in 20 minutes and we were all getting anxious

Until I got a phone call

I quickly Answered


"Is this Maya hart"

"Um yes and this is"

"This is Memorial Hospital your Fiancé Lucas Friar Was in a Fatal Accident"

I dropped the

And ran out of there


(Rip me)

I ran to the hospital in a now dirty Wedding gown

And mascara stained Cheeks

"L-Lucas Friar"

I asked the nurse

She gave me a pity look

I mean who wouldn't

You see a Bride who looks like she's been crying for Ages

In a dirty Gown

"Um his room is 478 he is currently in Surgery mam your gonn-"

I didn't even let her finish
Because I ran up the stairs

Fuck the elevator

I ran up the stairs Till I got to the floor

Then I ran to his room

I saw through that tiny window

Dozens of doctors With masks Working on him

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