Rileys Secret

385 20 13

Mayas Pov:

Ever since the party things have been


Lucas basically admitted that he still loved me and I don't know how to feel about that

On one side I'm so happy and mushy and bleh

And on the other side

I'm scared and nervous I just don't want him to hurt me again

It's been a week since I've seen him

And 4 days since he's seen Arabella and we agreed to go to the park

Am I nervous

Hell yes

But it must be done

I know we are gonna do more then talk about Arabella

We have to clear some things

But I don't want to
I just want life to be about Arabella

Not the fact the he still loves me and fucking hell

I still love him

I do and I always will

But I can't do anything

Riley can have him Now

And I won't steal him from her like she did to me

That's not what best friends do

A Best friend shouldn't sleep with there best friends boyfriend either but that didn't stop that bitch

My stupid consensus tells me

Ugh why are you in my head

I pick up a sleepy Arabella from her bed and get her dress

I also forgot that today was the day I told Lucas the big secret me and Riley are keeping from him

I told Riley to tell him

She was going to but

She couldn't

And being to good friend I am

I have to tell him

Riley told me too

But this is something big

Bring Arabella to the living room

And feed her

Waiting for Lucas

I hear three knocks

"Come in its open"

He slowly opens the door

He sees Arabella and smiles widely

He sits next to me and her and takes her from my arms gently

While he is playing with her

We begin a conversation

While we hear thunder and loud rain pouring

"Well maya I guess we can't go to the park"

He says

"Yea well we can stay here if you like I mean we don't have to"

He chuckles softly

"It's fine Maya I'll be happy too"

I cleared my throat

And we just sat there

Looking at our daughter

"Maya I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me just me"

He says sheepishly

It's kinda cute

It reminds of the old Lucas

The one who would ask permission every time we had sex or a simple make out

"Of course Lucas a nice date would be nice that's what you would like right a date"

"I would love it"

He starts smiling like a crazy fool

Arabella starts making cute little noises so we turn our attention to her

Then she starts looking tired

"Ugh Arabella come on your daddy is here"

Lucas smiles

"It's fine did you wake her up from her nap a little earlier then usual"

He asks

And I nod

"Let's just put her to bed for a little and I'll wait till she wakes up"

After putting her back to bed

We both sit on the couch

Not saying a word to each other

The I remembered

The secret I have to tell him

Rileys secret

The one that she told me to tell him

"I don't know how to tell you this but Riley is to afraid to so I guess I'll do it"

He then looks worried

"Ok Lucas I won't beat around the bush I'll just go strait to it, so about a year ago when you left to Texas I didn't tell you I was pregnant well"

I stayed quiet but

I had to tell him

She wouldn't

(Get ready for the biggest reveal ever)

"Lucas please don't say anything  yet but Riley was pregnant just like I was and you were the father of her baby but then she lost it in a car accident when while texting and driving, she was texting Farkle when it happened"

Ok so I just thought of that like right now so yeah I'm a bitch and omg so I like started watching the the game of thrones and that show will literally be the death of me like oh my god I'm in the beginning of season 4 and like major spoiler alert so go away but like FUCKING ROBB STARK DIES WTF HE WAS MY BABY MY FUTURE HUSBAND AND THEY KILL HIM OFF THE SHOW ALONG WITH HIS MOTHER AND PREGNANT WIFEEEEE WTFFFFFFF FIGHT ME G.O.T. WRITERS FIGHT MEEEEE and yay King fucking Jeffery dieS FINALLY so like yeah if you watch the show too and are at it or past season 4 comment and LETS RANT ABOUT IT




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