Life as a couple

390 21 18

The past few weeks went by amazingly

Lucas stayed over almost everyday

It was like he practically lives here

But of course we are looking at houses

The wedding will be in 3 months

And well school started for Riley and Farkle so

I'm kinda lonely

Lucas is studying but he got a job at his dad's company

Lucas is supposed to be the heir to that company but he never wanted to

And now I guess he wants to so he is studying business and working part time in the company

I still work in my cafe and sell art work

I'm still studying to be an art teacher

I look around my apartment and Arabella is sleeping in her high chair

I laughed and brought her to her crib

Once I placed her in her crib I got a text from Riley

Riley👑-I'm bored I forgot how much I hated History

I laughed

Maya🍼🎨-hahaha I'm glad I graduated well Arabella is sleeping and I already finished my art piece for the day plus I worked last night so I don't have to work today

Riley👑-Wheres Lucas then

Maya🍼🎨-he's at his job after he has to study then he comes back

Riley👑-what a lonely life for you

Maya🍼🎨-what is that supposed to mean

Riley👑-you were always lonely growing up and now you have a family and your still lonely even engaged to Lucas

Maya🍼🎨-Riley are you trying to imply something

And after that she didn't text back

What is she talking about

I don't know so I grabbed a blank canvas and Decided to free Draw


Night came and Lucas finally came home

He took a shower and started playing with Arabella

I smiled when I saw the two

"How was work"

I said as a pressed a kiss on his lips

"Work was normal boring without you guys"

I smiled

Soon Arabella laid still and went to sleep in Lucas's arms

We took her to her bed and came back to the living room

And decided to watch Alice through the looking glass


"So Riley texted me Today and said something off"

Lucas stopped watching the movie and looked at me

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