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Maya's Pov:
It's been three flipping days and Lucas has been calling me and texting non-stop

And I have no clue how he got my number

Nope actually I do


I grabbed my phone and called him


He says

"Why would you give Lucas my number"

"Oh you found out well because you need to talk to him"

"I did talk to him nimrod don't you remember"

"That doesn't count you have to discuss things about Arabella he hasn't met her yet and it's not fair Maya this baby is not yours anymore you have to share it"

I felt a tear go down my face

"What if he leaves again hmm what if he leaves right after Arabella gets used to him around"

"He won't do that Maya"

"Will see fine I'll give him a call bye"

I hanged up and cleaned my face

I looked at Arabella and smiled

She feel asleep on her mat on the floor

I laughed and picked her up and placed her in her crib

I took a deep breath and walked in to my room

I took a deep breath and walked in to my room

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And sat on my bed

I took out my phone and called Lucas

I might as well get over this

After the third ring he picked up


He says

"Hi Lucas it's Maya"

"Oh hey Maya"

"Yeah um so I heard the messages you left and read your texts about Arabella why don't you come over she's in her nap right now but she'll wake up soon"

I say unsure of what I'm doing

"That sounds amazing I'll be right over"

I hanged up and texted him the address

Took a deep breath and decided to change cause these pjs aren't appropriate for my ex to see

Basically it was pink sweat pant like booty shorts

With a tank top and no bra

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