The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #12: Over stayed welcome

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In the Rudy house a clunking sound could be heard. Rudy sleepily tried to turn off his alarm that is a chicken. He clicked it and sluggishly tried to get out of bed. "Morning Jorge" he said stretching. His chicken began shaking his feathers as he stretched. "How about some eggs?" Rudy said to Jorge. He clucked happily. After eating some breakfast and getting dressed Rudy man began his journey to deal with tall grass, until he came across a "problem". Outside his house a cute dog, a beagle laid on his side walk, tired and hungry. Rudy quickly picked him up and helped him inside. The dog quietly moaned as Rudy placed him inside and gave him food and water. "I don't have any dog food but I assume some egg and bacon will do" He said feeding the dog. As the dog ate Jorge couldn't help but hear a strange sound coming from him. "Say hello to our visitor" Rudy said. Jorge slowly approached the dog. He turned and began barking at Jorge playfully. Rudy laughed as Jorge ran off. The dog tried to chase but fell over. Rudy went to see him and saw his paw was broken. "This isn't good at all......okay wait here" Rudy said snapping a picture of the dog with his phone. "I'll be back soon after I make a poster of the dog" Rudy said leaving. The dog continued to bark at Jorge until it suddenly turned and walked over to the corner. He looked at it for a minute until a small beam came out of his chest. It began to form a halogram of some sort. "Hello? Hello? I can't see anything" A voice said. "You have to use this" Another voice spoke. After a minute a picture of Darkheart was shown on the screen. "Perfect, okay remember the plan and don't screw up, this is a golden opportunity to finally end that taco loving thorn in my side" Darkheart said. He grabbed a controller and clicked a button in the middle "okay you got two hours make sure your by Rudy man when it goes off". The dog barked as the transmission was cut off. The dog turned and saw Jorge. Jorge jumped out ready to fight but the dog just licked him. Jorge heard the sound again and was puzzled on what it could be. Rudy man came back shortly with a picture of the dog. "Okay with this picture I'll post it in front of the house to see if anyone knows who he belongs too while we three go out and look personally" Rudy said. Jorge didn't like the idea and tried to tell Rudy of the plan but it didn't work. " can't walk on that paw all day.....oh I know how about this" He said running to the back to bring back an old red wagon. "I use this to hold chicken feed but you can use it for now" Rudy said placing him in the wagon. "Go on and hop in Jorge, we got some work to do" Rudy said. Jorge did as told and they headed out but not before Jorge checked the clock "9:15". 11:15 was the time the plan was to go into action so Jorge knew he had to keep the dog away from Rudy at any cost by 11:15 or else. They began walking down the street asking around to no avail. Jorge tried to push the dog off but he was strongly planted in the wagon. "Play nice Jorge" Rudy said. "Ah I know who may know!" Rudy said as they made there way to Tony's tacos. "Well if it isn't Rudy, your usual?" Tony said happily. "Oh, no tacos for me I wanted to ask if you knew who's dog this was?" Rudy asked. "My what a cute Beagle" Tony said. "Well?". "Hmm I think one of the girls from the offices down the road may own a Beagel" Tony said. "Really?". "Yeah, just head down for 2 blocks and take a right, its the first house on your right if I'm not mistaken" Tony said. "Thanks Tony, see you around" Rudy said heading out. "Ah youth, how I miss it" Tony said thinking of his younger days. "Okay we may have already found your owner and it's only.....10:00" Rudy said. Jorge knew he was wasting time but had no clue on what to do. Just then a lady's purse was stolen by a thug running by. "Wait here you two!" Rudy said as he ran after the man. Jorge got out of the cart and saw a near by slope down to an alley. He began to pull the wagon with all his might until they reached the drop. He then pushed it down but was taken with it when the dog grabbed him with his mouth. They rolled down at amazing speeds until they crashed into a trash can. Jorge got out dizzy as he saw the dog shaking his fur. The dog then grabbed Jorge and took him away in his mouth. It didn't take long for them to get lost and found themselves in a part of town unfamiliar to both. As they made there way around The dog heard a noise and began running too it. Jorge couldn't hear a thing but had no choice in the matter. As they raced through the sidewalk and back into an alley they found themselves face to face with a dog catcher. The man quickly got a collar on the dog and pulled him in the car. He let go of Jorge and Jorge tried to run but the man caught him in a net. "A chicken? Guess I'll take you in anyway" the man said putting them both in cages. The man smiled as he blew a whistle that only the dogs could hear "I can't hear it but this thing attracts y'all like a mating call" the man said to the dogs laughing. As the man drove off Jorge saw through the cage a clock outside "10:45". Jorge began messing with the cage trying to pick the lock but couldn't get a good grip. He lost focus when he noticed the dog was slamming the cage hard with his body, denting it easily. He charged again and dented it even more, making the car shake and all the animals bark. "What's going on back there?" The man asked himself. With a third tackle the cage was busted through and he barked out happily. Jorge asked for help but the dog was already on it. He used his teeth and opened it up. Jorge was going to open the door and escape but was unable to withstand all the sad faces of the other animals. After releasing everyone Jorge was going to lock pick it from the inside but the dog howled, grabbed Jorge by mouth and tackled the door so hard it caused the van to swerve and stop. All the dogs were running off as the man got out and cursed at them. He pulled out his whistle and blew hard making all the dogs stop. They were going to run to the man but the dog dropped Jorge and got into a stance. Jorge's instincts flared as the dog unleashed a mega bark and a blue beam lauched out of his mouth and fired at the van. The man nearly swallowed his whistle as he jumped for cover as he saw his van get turned into nothing but a flaming chunk of metal. All the dogs began running off again and the man just took off his whistle and threw it into the flame. The dog picked up Jorge again and put him on his back this time. Jorge had been trying to get rid of the dog all day but he really wasn't bad, just assigned a bad mission. As the two made it back in town Jorge heard the noise coming from the dog again but louder. He then turned to see a clock that said 11:10. He quickly looked around and saw Rudy. Rudy waved and called to them as the dog ran to him. Jorge heard the noise again, it was like a clicking noise, like a timer. That's when Jorge understood what it was he's been hearing. The dog isn't real at all he's an Android programed like a real dog, and his mission was to kill Rudy man, how? By blowing himself up. He had a bomb in him that was suppose to go off at 11:15. Jorge had to think quick and saw a man eating a hotdog. Jorge jumped off and grabbed the hotdog. He then got infront of the dog and teased him to follow. The dog was having a difficult time deciding on what to do but picked the hotdog. "Hey wait!" Rudy said but they were already gone. Jorge ran as fast as he could out to the forest near by. He jumped into the trees and was looking for a cliff he knew was around. Jorge calculated he had about 3 minutes left. He spotted the cliff and continued to run. That's when it hit him. He was starting to like the dog, he thought it was a trap by Darkheart which it was, but this dog was just being used, he wasn't bad, he's just a fake dog. Before Jorge could think it through he threw the hotdog over the cliff and the dog was running too fast to stop and jumped for the hotdog before a light flashed and a boom was heard. The blast took out a few trees but nothing else. Jorge stood by the cliff and looked out, feeling sad that he lost a friend today. "There you are!" Rudy said grabbing Jorge. "What have you been doing! Your filthy!" Rudy said. Jorge looked at Rudy and clucked happily. He may have lost a friend but saved his master. He knew his friend didn't want to cause any trouble, so Jorge helped fulfill his wish and now knew he could look over him and Rudy. "Where's Bucky?" Rudy said referring to the dog. Jorge began clucking at Rudy. "I'm not sure what your saying but your saying Bucky's okay?" Rudy said. Jorge nodded. "Did he find his home?" Rudy asked. Jorge thought for a second and then nodded. "Great its only....11:17, perfect time to go mow some lawns!" Rudy said as him and Jorge went home happily. "No no no!!!" Darkheart said crying. "Sir he wasn't a real dog" A goon said. "I know that!" He yelled. "Then what's wrong?". "That dog cost $3000!!!" He yelled. "Did someone say Cookies?" A goon said. "$3000!!!" He said crying. "Um.....sir?"

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