The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #4: The Shadow Clan

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It was another beautiful morning in Pas Rico city, Rudy man was out feeding his sidekick and began prepping for the day.

"Alright I got a pretty busy day ahead, there's seven lawns that need mowing so I better get to it" Rudy man pumped himself up getting on his lawn mower.

"You coming Jorge?" He asked his sidekick.

He finished his food and let out a cluck as he got on the lawn mower.

"Onward to 24 South Wood Street!" Rudy man shouted starting up the lawn mower and heading off.

"Rudy man is on the move sir" A man reported hiding in one of Rudy man's bushes.

"Excellent follow him and begin operation catch Rudy man" Another, more deep voiced man commanded through an earpiece.

"Sir no offense but that name is horrible" the man complained.

"Well when your head of a supervillain organization bent on world domination then you can make up the names alright!" He snapped.

"Alright alright.....Not that I care anyway" the man whispered.

"Just get to it!"

Rudy man and Jorge made it to the first house and began working.

While Rudy man mowed Jorge plucked out the weeds and trimmed the sides.

"Thank you Rudy man your so helpful" A little old lady with a cane thanked him handing him some money.

"Oh no miss this one was on the house"

"Such a nice man"

As Rudy man and Jorge took the lawn mower the old lady grabbed her cane and opened the bottom part to reveal a tranquilizer.

She fired one at Rudy man when he wasn't looking.

As the tranquilizer was about to hit him Rudy man noticed a coin on the ground.

"Hey a lucky penny" he shouted in a jolly tone picking it up.

The dart flew right passed him and landed in the grass

"Looks like we started off good huh Jorge?" Rudy man smiled as he started the mower back up.

The lady was going to try again but Jorge gave her an angry look and she stopped.

"Bye Ms. Deborah hope you have a good day" Rudy man waved good bye as he took off.

As Rudy man drove out of site she began speaking into an earpiece "The plan failed he's heading to the next house".

"How very clever Rudy man but I will catch you if it the last thing I do HAHAHHAH-"

"Sir the cookies are ready"

"Damnit John I'm trying to laugh diabolically here!" He yelled.

"Oh my bad sir"

The man cleared his throat "HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Okay John now"

Rudy man reached the house of Ms. Beth, a stay at home mom with four children.

She made the best cookies on the block and even won countless awards for them.

"Just do the back for me Rudy man" she said as he arrived.

"Alright Ms. Beth be done in a flash"

"I'll have some cookies ready for you in a minute" she smiled.

"Oh that's not necessary"

"No I insist it's the least I can do" she firmly stated getting to work on the cookies.

"Guess I have no choice" Rudy man chuckled starting up the mower.

As he began moments later Ms. Beth came out with a plate of steaming cookies.

"Come and get it!" She yelled.

Rudy man stopped and headed to the cookies.

Ms. Beth smiled evilly as Rudy man grabbed a cookie.

She was working for the group trying to get Rudy man and had put enough sleeping drugs in the cookies to knock out a giant for a week with a single bite.

As he put the cookie in his mouth Jorge grabbed it and threw it away and clucked angrily at Rudy man.

"What's wrong Rudy man?" Ms. Beth asked.

Rudy man laughed "I didn't think you would remember Jorge good job" he commended his chicken giving some feed in a pouch.

"Remember what?" Ms. Beth asked.

"Well Jorge said I should lay of the tacos and anything sweet for a while so I keep my superhero figure, so I can't accept your cookies Ms. Beth".

"Oh that's fine I'll save it for the kids when they get back from school" Ms. Beth forcibly smiled.

As Rudy man got back to work Ms. Beth crushed each cookie in rage.

"All done miss Beth" Rudy man reported.

"Oh okay here's your pay come back soon" she beamed.

As Rudy man rode off she contacted the man and told him that she had failed.

Rudy man's day went on the same with each of his clients trying to capture him but each failing.

"Rudy man truly is a god! I can't even touch him!" The man fumed.

"Actually I think it's just been dumb luck" the goon that stood next to him thought.


"Goon, go fetch me.....Him"

The goon gasped "you don't me?!?"

Lord Darkheart nodded. "That's right bring me.....the Multiplier!"

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