I fell in love with my teacher

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{ Chapter 6 }

hey guys (: please continue reading after you've read th first few chapters >< I know it's boring but I like to talk it slow please ): PLEASE READ (; comment and vote too ! ^^

Katherine's POV

I stood there , rooted to the ground , so stunned by his actions . How did he even know I wanted his phone number ? I shook my head while staring at his back , amazed . Why does this guy always amuse me no matter what ? I smiled slightly and touched my phone . His fingers have once laid on it ! I squealed a little and rubbed the phone with my thumbs .

* psycho . *

I rolled my eyes at Katty's bitchy voice and smiled .

What ? Okay okay , I admit , I do like him a bit .

* naw , you sure it's a bit ? I don't think so . You're obsessed with him ! * she giggled like a school girl .

Nope ! Only one percent ! I promise !

I smiled triumphantly as I tuned her voice out and hopped into a cab . TO CALIFORNIA SUNFLOWER BOARDING SCHOOL !

Wow , seriously , who would put a flower's name as the school name nowadays ? Ew . I looked out the window and noticed the hot blazing sun gazing down on me . It's the mid-afternoon already . I sighed contentedly and lean against the window , watching the objects as they pass by .


"Excuse me miss , may I have my schedule ? I'm from Katherine Isabella Thomas ." I smiled at the lady behind the desk , scribbling furiously on the documents piled on her desk . I winced at the thought of having to do so many things by the end of the day . I smiled at her pityly and she smiled sweetly back at me .

"Don't worry dear , I can get all these documents done by today . Oh , hold on a second . I'll fetch your schedule for you ." she gushed and hurried across the room . That is when I noticed her beautiful blond hair that's shoulder length and with the upper part tied into a pony . I glanced at her beautiful and kind face and noticed her cheeks are reddish pink . She's probably in her twenties and she has an hour-glass figure . She turned around abruptly , breaking my train of thoughts and I blushed slightly for staring at her for so long . I received the schedule politely from her and skipped to the dorms excitedly . My dorm room is 490 . In my hand is a thin folder clipped with a few sheets of papers . I read the map quickly and figured out the school pretty much already . I was so absorbed by the rules of the school on the papers that I accidentally bumped into a guy whose abs are as hard as rock . I lost my balance and is on the verge of falling backwards when one strong and toned arm grabbed me around my waist , helping me back to my feet . I looked up and saw a guy with black hair and two oval shaped big eyes staring at my face . I paused there for a moment , lost in the grey eyes of that boy , before pulling away and clearing my throat . I rubbed my throbbing forehead and held out my small and fair hand .

"Heya ! I'm Katherine and I'm new to this school ." I smiled sweetly , revealing my deep dimples . He took my hand and gave it a firm handshake . His palm is rough but fit into my hand perfectly .

"Hi ! My name's Cole and I'm new here too !" he chuckled and that's when I realize we were still holding hands . I quickly wriggles out of his hold and blushed like crazy . I lowered my head to cover it but to no avail .

He accompanied me to my dorm and he sat on my bed , watching me unpack everything and putting everything neatly at it's own place . After 15 minutes , I finally finished packing and looked up to see Cole lying down on his side , his head rested on his hand with his elbow propped on the bed , staring at me sweetly . I turned away and cleared my throat to interrupt the awkward silence . I looked around the room for the first time and saw that my roommate had already arrived a day before me and all her things are placed neatly around her area . Just then , a girl probably taller than me a few foot charged into the room , unaware of me and Cole . She had beautiful red hair and a pair of emerald green eyes just like mine . I stared her confused and she finally noticed me and spun around to address me .

"Hey there ! I'm sorry I didn't see you just now ! I'm Anna and I'm new here . You two are couple ? Oh my god , you two are so cute together ! I arrived a day ago just to be comfortable to the new environment . I'm from LA . You two ?" she said all the sentences in one breath and when she's finally finished , Cole and I burst into laughter . She frowned at us and poured her lips , with her arms akimbo . When we finally settled down , I explained to her that she talks a lot and in one breath ! I have never met anyone like this . God , she's so cute ! Her face light up and she blushed slightly . I continued that me and Cole aren't couple and that we just met and he's new here too . We chatted a lot and we got to know one another more .

Finally , it's time for us to shower and head downstairs for dinner which is at 7 p.m everyday . I rushed into the shower with my tight purple tank top and black shorts , shouting at Anna that she could use the bathtub and I'll use the shower stand . We showered pretty quickly and I slipped on my designer flip flops and grabbed a cardigan before heading out the door with Anna slinging her arm around my waist casually . We're now very good friends and we would occasionally joke around with each other . I sighed happily at that thought and scurried to the dining hall .

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