I fell in love with my teacher

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{ Chapter 13 }

hi guys! since its the holidays, i'm back writing again! (: do continue reading, okay! please don't stop reading. *kneels before you* HAHAHA. anyways, vote, comment, fan! <3 xoxo.

Daniel's POV

I stood there, watching her back going further and further away from me, counting each step she took as she sprinted away out of the exit. I kept asking myself as I hurried to catch up with her, afraid of anything bad happening to her, what have I done? I kept blaming myself for being so rash and honestly, I don't even know why I'm angry with her. I should have been more forgiving. I should have been more understanding. I should have been more... 

I never got to finish my "reprimanding". A chill went down my spine as I shivered down to my bones.

Because I saw Cole. 

He hopped onto his bike, the same one Kat had. I wondered if it was just a coincidence. Or was it... Okay, get a grip on yourself, Dan. Stop babbling to yourself and GO AND GET HIM!

Something snapped in me and I instantly climbed into my car and sped after the bike. Along the way, my right eye kept twitching. Is this a bad sign or a good sign? I can't remember what my cousin from China once said about your eyes twitching. And I also didn't have the right mind to think. There is only one thing on my mind now. Just ONE. Do you know what that is? Kat. 


I swerved my car into the parking lot and parked my car sloppily at the corner of the empty parking lot. Cole's bike is parked outside the parking lot and wow. Its perfectly in place and in line with the marking on the floor. One word. PERFECT. Somewhere in my mind a clock chimed. And may I say, LOUDLY. I hurried to the dorms section and rushed up the stairs.

Once at the 7th floor, I wasn't even panting. All the hours spent in the gym paid off. I grinned at myself as I run soundlessly along the corridor to turn at the very last corner to Kat's room. My heart pounded against my ribcage and now, I could hardly breathe. If anything bad happens to Kat, I'll not be able to forgive myself. I slowed down to a brisk walk and turn around the corner. Slowly, I walked to the last room and knocked once. I immediately regretted knocking when I heard some shuffling inside the room and a loud bang. I kicked open the door and rushed in. What I saw the next minute blew me off the floor. 

My knees buckled together when I saw Kat lying on the bed in a pool of blood. She looked dead pale and motionless. I didn't even turn when I heard a loud bang again in the bathroom. I just rushed to Kat and carried her up, carressing her soft brown hair. Judging by the pool of blood stained on the snow white bed sheet, she lost a great deal of blood. 

No more time to lose.

No more time to lose. 

No more time to lose. 

The words echoed in my head. 

I was about to stand up and rush out of the room when a hand touched my shoulder. I froze. But surprisingly, the hand was soft and tender. It didn't clamp down on my shoulder. And at once, I knew who it was. 


"Dan, what have you done?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "What have I done? I? It wasn't me, Jay. It was Cole."

"Dan. You have to get her to the hospital."

When she sees that I'm not moving, she tugged at me and pulled me to my feet with Kat in my arms. Something snapped in me again and I pulled myself together. We rushed out of the room and contacted the principal. Once we were out of the building, we hailed a cab and sped to the hospital. On the way, we didn't talk much. And I could hear Kat's faint breathing. Very faint.

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