I fell in love with my teacher

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{ Chapter 7 }

hey there (: I'm uploading more often now since it's holidays (: remember to vote and comment , yeah ?

Daniel's POV

( let's fast forward a bit . hehe )

I took my shades off and threw it on the bed . I sighed tiredly and laid on my queen-sized bed . My cousin , who is very close to me , is the secretary of the principal of this school . She's in her mid twenties , only older than me for 4 years . She has golden blond hair and she's beautiful . She was my admirer all these years but I have a strict rule that I won't like a girl older than me . I sighed as I pictured her beautiful face . Thanks to her position at this school , I was able to get a room to myself and have a queen-sized bed . I smiled triumphantly and took my shirt off . I changed into my tank top and decided to take a nap . I drifted off to sleep gradually , thinking of Katherine's emerald green eyes .


( Daniel's Dream )

"Hey you ! Why are you here ?" a familiar yet distant voice asked .

"Kat ? Is that you ?" I asked hesitantly and looked around for her , but couldn't find anything but a black cat in front of me .

"Yeah . Why are you here ?" the cat started talking and I burst into laughter .

"You aren't a real cat , right , Kat ?" I asked through fits of laughter . Suddenly , the cat jumped up and pounced on me , making me fall . The cat growled and was about to scratch my cheek when ...


"DANIEL ! WAKE UP !" someone shouted . I jerked my head up and huffed furiously . I calmed down slightly and turned around to see Jayley , my cousin , staring at me curiously .

"What ? I was dreaming !" I said in protest and smiled sheepishly .

"You look as if you were going to pee your pants !" she giggled like a school girl and pointed at my forehead which is dotted with beads of perspiration .

I ignored her and rushed into my shower and bathed a cold short shower . I changed into something casual for dinner at the dining hall and slipped on my sneakers before sauntering out to the dining hall with Jayley wrapping her arm around my waist playfully .

Once we reached the dining hall , I quickly took a plate and helped myself to the buffet . I wolfed down the food and was about to take my second round when I spotted a pair of familiar emerald green eyes staring at me with shock and a tinge of happiness . I gasped and almost choked on my cookie . I made my way to her with a smirk when a boy with hard abs clearly seen from the outside and black hair , appearing from behind her and wrapping his arms around her slender waist . I felt my smirk drop and a timge of jealousy clouded before my eyes . She looked up at him with loving eyes and turned to look at me nervously . I turned away , immediately losing all my appetite . My eyes shagged and my shoulders dropped . Sadness flood over me . Why do I feel so sad ? Without waiting for Jayley to catch up , I sprint up to my room and changed into my sports outfit . I made my way to the gym and Jayley was already waiting for me there . She's known me all my life and she knew I would go to the gym when I'm angry or sad .

"I need to be alone , Jayley . Sorry ." I mumbled and popped in my earpiece and blast the music . Eminem's LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE came up . I ran on the treadmill at the full speed and thought about the scene earlier . I don't even know why I felt so freaking sad ! I felt the tinge of anger rise in me and I put everything aside and ran like there was no tomorrow . Running's my only way out when I'm feeling down . And today , i've done it again . I smiled to myself and immediately felt much much better .

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