To the Land of Waves.

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I wake up a smile on my face, and warm glow in my heart. I puzzle over it for a few moments but shrug it off, before going to the fridge.

After a quick breakfast, I run to my pack and fill it with the supplies I need, before putting small, long box in the pack as well. It holds my new project, and I plan on trying it out.

I pull on the pack and set out with a steady pace towards the front gate.

"You know Naruto, you could stand to train a little more with me." Kurama says in my head, grumpily yawning.

"Good morning to you too Kurama." I chuckle lightly.

He grunts again and I smile just as Kiba walks up beside me.

"Hey whiskers, don't get any hero ideas, this is still my mission." He says and I squint at him.

"Who are you calling whiskers? I'm not the one who wears make up." I say quickly and he squints back, before we both laugh and fist bump.

"It's weird having you on the team. Everyone's excited though."

"What do you mean?" I ask thinking about Hinata.

"Well it's not everyday we get to work with the savior of the Leaf." Kiba says jokingly and I grumble a little.

"I hardly saved anyone." I say quietly before shaking my head, before I start thinking about how many shinobi had died in the war.

"You need to learn to take a compliment. Speaking of which, I saw how you took Hinata's compliment." He says elbowing me and I roll my eyes to avoid looking at him.

We continue walking until we're at the gate, and we see Hinata waiting for us. Kiba stops abruptly whistling, but waves me on ahead.

"Good morning Hinata." I say smiling big to hide my heated cheeks. She waves back smiling as well.

"Good morning Naruto." She says happily.

"You're late." Shino says stepping out from behind a tree. I jump back as he does and he seems to chuckle. "You're also not too observant."

"Shush up Shino." Hinata says quickly, and he smirks before he hides most of his face under the collar of his jacket.

"Alright everyone." Kurenai says loudly, and motions us over. "Naruto, you're new to the team, so stick with Hinata, she knows our tactics better than these two, so stick close to her and if a fight breaks out, just follow her lead."

"Yes Ma'am." I say quickly.

"What's that? Kakashi is always complaining that you always want to be up front, what happened?" Kurenai jokes and the others chuckle a little.

"The war." I say bluntly and they all shuffle uncomfortably.

I scratch the back of my head and smile.

"Naa, Kakashi Sensei always told us that if we ever end up in another squad for a mission, to listen to the captain above all else." I say grinning and they nod before moving out.

"We'll stay on the ground, we're not due until tomorrow, and Lady Tsunade told me to take it easy so that you can get used to regular missions again." She says giving me a firm smile.

"There sure are a lot of rules for this mission, is there something going on I don't know about?" I ask and Kurenai shrugs.

She doesn't talk again, but we all start walking. Kiba and Shino strike up a talk with Kurenai, leaving Hinata and I a little behind as they talk animatedly.

"Thank you for dinner last night Naruto." Hinata says looking sideways at me.

"It's no big deal, but you're welcome." I say and she giggles.

Hidden Truths In The Hidden Leaf (A NaruHina Fanfic) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now