Chapter 7 - You what?

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The population of the Spanish in your land had decreased in no more than two days. Thanks to your beloved Lovina and her brother, numerous Spaniards were killed or imprisoned. No wonder Italy is the country where the mafia was born. You never had in mind that they were so skilled in spying and stalking, especially Feliciano who most of the time is a crybaby.

Due to the issue, the king and Isabel became frustrated believing that you and your queen were the ones behind this, but it was actually the Italians. Lovina's plans were going smoothly. The queen was impressed by her and Feliciano.

On the third day, the king of Spain gave up and decided to sign the divorce paper...with a price.

" Your majesty, please sign here. " The lawyer pointed at the area where he should sign.

The king, with a scowl, reluctantly took the pen and wrote his signature. You couldn't believe this. You were finally free from all this misery. But you were still far from freedom.

" Okay your majesties, there's no need to- " 

" Hehe...You think that it's over you little pathetic ants? " The lawyer was cut by a furious king. His wrinkled eyes were covered by his bangs and a dangerous grin could be seen from his face.

" PATHETIC ANTS? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO?! " The queen snapped and rose from her seat, looking at her ex-spouse with rage.

" Your majesties, please calm down! " The lawyer whimpered, stepping in between the two monarchs.

"HAHAHAHAHA...ThIs IsN't OvEr YeT~! " He chuckled darkly and pulled out his sword before launching an attack on you.

Your eyes went wide and a small gasp escaped your lips before you drew your own sword just in time to stop his attack.

" What are you doing? " You cried.

" Doing whatever I want! " He argued.

A battle began between you and the king, and soon with Lovina and Isabel. Sounds of swords crashing with each other covered the room.

" Your majesty, get away from here, it's not safe! " The lawyer yelled, desperately grabbing her arms in an attempt to save the queen.

" I am not letting this man kill my country! " She yelled, fighting back.

The battle continued for a long time. You can now see why many countries became his colony. He was fast and strong, even though he wasn't that young. You and Lovina were panting and received many injuries from them.

When you looked at your ex-wife, you mentally slapped yourself for noticing her eyes too late. They had a brown colour. You asked yourself why they were like that and your brain was answering you that she may probably wearing contact lenses. But you refused to believe that. You have never seen her putting contact lenses and reality is, her true eye colour is green.

" You little rats! Do you think that you can defeat US?! " Isabel yelled.

Without a warning, the king rushed to you and placed his sword on your neck, ready to kill you.

"(M/N)!!" Lovina cried and ran towards you but Isabel blocked her way with her halberd. Tears began to escape from her hazel eyes. She couldn't lose you. " No...please. Don't do this. " She begged.

" Well well well...looks like you've lost, (M/N). Surrender or else I'll kill you. " He smirked on your face.

" Over my dead body! " You barked.

" Then DIE! " Gritting his teeth, he lifted his sword high up in the air aiming at your neck. You were ready to die.

" die. " Then, an unfamiliar voice spoke. It didn't belong to Lovina nor Isabel. A sickening sound of stabbing was interrupted and the king went wide-eyed and froze at the same time.

You gasped quietly and looked down at his stomach, only to see a bloody dagger. The king began to choke up blood as the dagger was removed from behind and then, he collapsed on the floor weakly. Everyone was in shock. It was a young woman in her 30's with a bloody dagger in her hand. She had beautiful blonde hair that reached her ankles, blue eyes, fair skin and dressed in an elegant dark green dress.

" Who are you? " You breathed. Before she could answer you, she bowed politely.

" I hate to say this but I am the daughter of this man. " She introduced herself and pointed at her now-dead father. " My name is Princess Sophia of Spain. The eldest daughter of the king...or should I say, the previous king and the crown princess of Spain. " She continued.

Everyone was glancing at her in shock. His own daughter killed him.

" Y-Your highness...w-what are you doing here? " Isabel stuttered.

" To free you from his tyranny, my beloved country. " She said in a calm tone.

" Why did you kill him? " You managed to ask.

" Killing him is mine and my brother's wish. Even us can't stand his pathetic imaginations. Isabel..." Her blue eyes met Isabel and looked at her dead serious. "...You are now free from his manipulation. " She finished.

Then, Isabel's eyes began to glow and her normal eye colour returned, only this time they were brighter than the day you met her.

" What's going on? " The queen shouted.

" Due to the cruelty and the rules my father did, Isabel became this monster. He is a king, but more like a tyrant." Sophia answered.

" What happened? " Isabel asked placing a hand on her forehead.

" A long story. " Sophia smiled and walked towards her.

" Oh now...I remember. " She whispered and looked at Lovina with puppy eyes. " I'm sorry Lovina for what I've done. The king took control over me and I had no idea what I was doing. " She braced her into a hug.

" Hmph! Apology accepted. " Lovina huffed, crossing her arms and looked up the ceiling trying to look posh.

" ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!! "

" ... "

" Lovina? Is something wrong? "

Lovina didn't reply; instead, she looked at you with a hurt expression. Isabel realized immediately what's going on and smiled warmly.

" Go to him. " She said softly.

" Huh? " Lovina looked at her like she was insane.

" I know you love him and you know it. " Her lips curled into a grin.

S.Italy smiled back and walked towards you slowly. You hugged her as tightly as you could.

" Get married. You deserve to be together. " Sophia spoke.

" You mean it? " You raised your eyebrows with surprise.

" Of course. " Isabel answered. " We should be going back home, your highness. " Sophia nodded and began to follow her.

" Wait. " Lovina halt them. " Are you going to be okay? "

" Don't worry. I'll fix the damages my father did. " Sophia winked. " Thank you. "

" Huh? " You and Lovina spoke at the same time.

" Thank you for freeing me from this horrible man. " Isabel thanked. " If I never met you, things may have gone worst. "

You and Lovina couldn't help but smile. You were happy that you helped someone and stopped a villain.

Hetalia: Fem!Romano x Male!Country!Reader - My BelovedWhere stories live. Discover now