chapter 2

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I hear a loud voice hovering over me. I open my crusty eyes. I rub them. I notice it's Jc. "Good morning!!" He screams.

"You seem like you're in a good mood." I laugh.

"Always!!! Especially today it's Thursday." He says excitedly.

I wonder what's so special about Thursday's? I hop out of bed and enter the bathroom. I change into my sweatpants and my plain black shirt. I flip my hair into a bun.

I walk out and hear Jc singing Justin Bieber's latest single. "Aren't you adorable when you sing." I joke.

"I know!" Jc says as he winks. He places pancakes on the table and starts to eat them. He motions me to get some but i'm not hungry.

I've been losing weight since I tried to commit. I haven't really been sleeping either.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jc asks. He knows exactly why i'm upset.

"Please.." I ask nicely. Jc finishes eating and throws his plate in the sink.

"Here, come sit down. What's on your mind? I'm here to listen." He motions for me to sit next to him on the couch.

"I never really had a good life, ever since I was old enough to understand what life was. I lost my dad in a car accident about a month ago. My mother is a drug addict, and my sister is 14 and pregnant. My family is fucked up.. So I grew up in a bad environment. I started going to school and I had to start living and taking control of my life.. That's when my depression kicked in. I started cutting thinking it would make everything better. Then I decided to commit. I took pills. My sister made me throw them up. I decided to go to college. And well.. Here I am now." I cry.

"I-I'm so sorry.. You don't deserve any of that. Someone out there will love you for who you are and understand what you're going through." Jc says.

He has sincerity in his eyes. He gets up and grabs his phone. He rests his arm on my leg and opens his twitter app. His mentions are full of people being depressed.

He explains to me that he deals with this stuff daily. "You're not the only one dealing with this stuff.. You can overcome this. I believe in you." Jc has tears in his eyes.

He notices that i'm crying so he gets up and grabs me a box of tissues. He motions for me to stand up. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist. He makes me feel welcome. I like that.

We continue to hug. He whispers in my ear, "I'm so lucky to have met someone like you." He carries me to the bed.

He forcefully kisses me. He slowly takes off my shirt and throws it on the floor. He releases my shorts. I am now in just my bra and underwear. He leaves a trail of little kisses down my stomach.

He rubs my thigh up and down and he lets out a slight moan. Knowing that affects me.

He begins to take off my thong. When I jerk back. I grab my shirt and put it back on. Same with my shorts.

"I'm sorry. I can't just yet." I say. "Are you...?!" He giggles. "Yes. I am." I mean fully say.

"Sorry I didn't mean for it to happen this way. I'll wait." He winks.

I wanted to have sex with Jc.. But I want to spend my first time with someone I love. And I knew that if I continued, He would just be doing it to make me feel better about myself.

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