chapter 7

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I slowly walk into Jc's room. Trying not to make any sudden noise. The girl hears me and gasps. She turns around.

"May I help you?!" She says in anger.

"My name is Alexis. I'm Jc's girlfriend. I was wondering what you were doing in here?" I say in wonder.

"Jc's girlfriend huh?" She giggles under her breath. "He didn't care to share that information with me."

"Yes. We've been dating for about a month now." I smile. She approaches me.

"My name is Sierra. Jc is the father of my son Charlie. I suggest you leave before I call security!" She pushes me out the door and slams it in my face.

I'm so pissed. Jc please wake up, I need some explanation for this.

I walk out of the hospital. I need some air. I need my razor. Something.

*2 hours later*

I've been sitting outside this whole time. A nurse came outside and told me that Jc has woken up.

I run inside. The girl isn't here anymore. Where the hell could she have gone?

"Hey." Jc says as he grabs my hand.

"Don't." I scream and cover my face. "Who the hell is Sierra?" I ask.

"Sierra? How do you know about her?" Jc says, confused..

"I walk in here and she's sitting by your bed with a kid named Charlie and she said you were his father?" I scream. I want to punch myself.

"Alexis, What are you talking about?" Jc looks confused.

"Don't pull this shit on me. Tell me the fucking truth." I scream in his face.

"Babe... Breathe.. Did you take your medication this morning?" Jc rubs my arm.

"No. I forgot." I tear up and clench my fists.

"Come here." Jc says as he pulls me onto his shoulder. He feels so warm. I feel safe around him.

"You're saying I'm having hallucinations?" My face is burning.

"Yes. Go home and take your medicine, please." Jc kisses me and strokes my hair.

I walk out and see "Sierra" walking away and looking back, laughing at me. She suddenly disappears.

She's fake.


I walk out and see her waiting for me outside.

"I'm not fake sweetheart. I was alive. Until I got in a car accident less than a year ago. Jc and I were dating. And I told him I was pregnant. He got pissed and left me. An hour later I spun out and my car flipped over. I had my baby in heaven. Nice to know Jc is into depressed people now. What a surprise. Not." She screams at me.

"Leave me alone. I don't need your shit. You can't do anything. Let me and Jc be happy, please." I push passed her and get in the car. I drive away.

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